do you think i care what you all download ??
dit you ever watched my pc ?? (let me say it easy , i got 5 differend windows installs on my pc because i am to lazy to format my pc , and no disk room free anymore )
and i still dit not get hacked , i got keygens on my pc , i got trojans on my pc ( differend windows) , keyloggers somewhere and a lot of virusses
last time i dit a virus scan then it founded about 180 differend virrusses that needed to be removed and then my windows crashed ( so again a fresh windows install)
so safe me the funny jokes that you got hacked because a file that got downloaded
i got even javascript injections , browser injections and a lot of differend things you never heard of and still ... my games are not hacked , my webistes are not hacked , my ftp is not hacked .. my pc is still alive , only my hotmail is hacked by a bot ( thats why i only use hotmail as msn .. nothing more and nothing less)
to get to the point
your pc is hard to get hacked , and saying that you got hacked when you use a proxy thats totaly funny , specialy if you just claimed that there are 100 of differend users whit the "same" ip
so that means ... internal class A B and C adresses spread over differend rooms and a IT admin that take care of those things
so safe me the sadly part of beein hacked as you know that it isnt true
beside , using to stresstest my server ??
so you just generate a small ddos attack on my server to see if he keeps alive ??
Slow websites means lost customers and revenues. Be proactive and find out the performance limits of your website before you learn the hard way. Load Impact is an online load testing service that lets you load test your website with just a few mouse clicks.
the only persone who is allowed to perform that kind of tests are the Servermasters only (in this case me only , not even my co owner) or after permision of the ServerMaster
so why are you using this kind of sites/programs and still claim that you know of nothing .. generating a ddos attack to do a stress test ... even a other reason to get kicked and to get denied
but i gues you still do not see the point
let me sum up the proof in a short way
proof said:
- WAN/WIFI = Internal ip ( 192.168.1.* or any other private ip range)
- Using Proxy = smart enouf to configure a proxy or smart enouf to use not your own network
- Hacked = hardly to belive ... only websites get hacked and games
- same ip login all the time = proxy = you
- refuse to provide the only thing that can proof that it was not you ... = it was you
- full of typo's and then perfect english ? and that on just 8 min difference ...
feel free to show proof that it was not you ..
and for the pm part , feel free to fight it out here with me and with the others
but i do not going talk in pm's with you to solve this global problem (only solution is to leave this place ?? .. just a suggestion)
then if you like to talk to sander , then i affraid that you will have bad luck
in case you dit not notice it yet , he is my co owner and he definaly won't talk to you after this
enjoy your day
Greetings From PowerChaos