I think he got one post spelled right and is pasting that. It starts with "I was wondering if someone could sponsor me a VPS so i can start This Great Idea...". As soon as he gets off script his bad spelling appears again.
i know thats up but i sporrted dodos attaks on it
im still trying to finds vps's for it
Guys, I believe the "sporrted" he said, means "Spotted".
i know thats up but i sporrted dodos attaks on it
im still trying to finds vps's for it
dit you spotted some ddos attacks on my server ?
and you like me to belive you ??
i got daily email logs (basicly not even 1 min later if something happends ) , i know exactly what all happens on my server and my firewall is strong enouf to block most attacks
so as long my server is not even reacting on those "ddos" attacks (like higher cpu usage , apache crashing , ram hogging , out of temp space and so on ) then i am affraid that it is not my server and that you dit not know what a ddos attack is in first place
last ddos attack i got that i coulnd stop was because of a internal loop (its hard to block a internal loop , specialy if the datacenter doesnt take care of there routers to prevent the internal routing problem )
from the info i got from my co owner (you know who) dit he deleted a "ddos" script from his account (i coulnd take a look at it , i still can take a look as i got backups if needed )
but i am sure he wont be able to perform a "good" ddos from my server as outgoing connections are limited and some more restriction are applied on it that normal users wont notice
anyway , its my co owner his desision to remove you from our services
ps: i hope this is not your ip ??
or it will be in my firewall for hacking attempt to my billing system ...
so to close this post
i would suggest to explain what you mean with sporrted and what kind of "ddos" script my co owner found or i am affraid your days to get hosting/sponsoring are over from a lot providers
Greetings From PowerChaos
yes there was
the script contains 2 single forms
1 form get used to input proxy/torr ip's
other form get used to input the ip's you like to attack
and then a submit button
the script itself was called DDOS script and was taken from scriptmafia (so far the info from my co owner after last call )
thats the first thing my co owner looked for after he readed his post , after he founded that script ( pass protected dir , i love root ) then he deleted that script and suspended that user and made a post here on the forum
if you like i can post a screenshot , just ask for it and i take the script out of my backup files i got
Greeetings From PowerChaos
Well, I guess mtw can now kiss any chance of getting a sponsorship from here goodbye. Just so it is on the record, with this development I must cancel the offer I made that would have actually helped you get somewhere.
Fortunately it sounds like the tool that was found was a rather low-yield tool that would have simply annoyed more than it could have actually harmed, but it still is just as illegal to have.
Can't say I didn't warn everybody. Ignorance can only go so far, especially when dealing with people online.
Sander, you'd know.
1. Is someone DDOS'ing you/his account?
2. Is it the same IP as the one he normally posts on?
I did my best with the ornery side, but this could be serious depending on whether he's doing this or if it's a mean prank at him. I'm presuming his usual IP is in UK right? So where (if any) are the attacks coming from?
I did my best with him, so I am content to move back to my regular stuff.