Why do you insist on bringing in points that have nothing to do with the debate?
How does getting married automatically mean you raise children? Please explain this to me. Not everyone wants kids, whatever reason they may hold it for.
"If this isn't the case you have no right to say that I can't use my morals to be morally against homosexuality."
For the incestuous couples point, this is why I said that my opinion would not be against it necessarily. I'm not proving any of your points by saying that my stance would be similar to what I hold on homosexuals. I'm merely disproving your above point, which, btw, you can be morally against homosexuality all you want, but homosexual marriage does not involve you whatsoever, and it does not affect you either.
I need not state my stance on incestuous couples, because that is completely another debate. Let me just say that it is a different issue, not in any way the same as homosexuals as you seem to think.
Anyway, you say that allowing homosexual marriage *will* in fact affect you because of divorce rates or something?
Yes, divorce rates have become steadily higher over the years, and yes, I hate it. My parents divorced 4 years ago and it has scarred me for life, but I live with it, because it happens. If I was using your mindstate, I would totally be against marriage altogether (which, actually, for a while I was, thinking that it can only lead to disaster) but even though I was, I didn't take it out on other people. I didn't protest that people shouldn't be allowed to marry because I have some stupid belief.
Divorce rates are rising, and you say this has a correlation to gay marriage? How so I ask? Divorce rates have been rising for a long time...and gay marriage isn't even legal in much of the world yet. This has NOTHING to do with homosexuality, this has to do with the current state of society; cheating, assaholicness; and sex. Lots to do with sex. This is not the fault of homosexuals, this is the fault of whoever is getting the divorce. Something in the marriage went wrong, and as such, they get divorced, I'm sure before divorce laws they lived together, and HATED each other. This is where some things like murdering your spouse comes in...not sure of the statistics on that, but who cares. Another reason being that most people aren't finding true love, and only think they love the person and then marry w/e. Mostly due to the ease of it, and then as they get older and eventually cannot stand the person, they want to get divorced.
So the divorce laws being allowed has little to do with divorce rates besides actually allowing there to be a divorce rate, rather than say, an unhappy marriage rate, or a murdered spouse rate.
I'd also like to point out that a lot of your arguments are based on religious beliefs that you hold, or your group of people hold. Well, not everyone believes in them, and the world is modernizing, we are creating a society in which everyone is equal. This society revolves around people, not 'god'.
In fact, Society never has revolved around 'god', because man wrote the bible, the w/e and the w/e of w/e religion. Society has always revolved around people, it's just back in those days, it revolved around the greedy misguiding people (in my mind) we call the church.
Take a look at another thread in here by NetMaster:
This talks about a religion which is really a scam, as stated such here:
He told me and a lot of other people that the way to make a million was to start a religion.
Look at the church, BILLIONS of dollars are in it's treasury. Seems as if it worked no? But not only millions my friend, POWER. The church had power for a long time, and they used it as they wished, sinning against their own religion and justifying it as 'holy' acts. Killing intelligent people who held different beliefs than the church, labeling them as heretics. You tell me this is right? To kill someone because they believe not in Christianity? If you do, please, go kill about 3/4ths of the worlds population and then come tell me it's a good idea.
Note: Sorry for this brief off-topicness, which I'm sure Meksilon will bring in to point and attempt to call me a hypocrite for, but I am linking it to argue the validity of his arguments being based solely on his own personal beliefs that not everyone else holds.