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Why Would You Do Such A Thing?? WHY??

Muslims....bad religion kill other people because they do not believe in alach and muchamet......also i would like to say that Muslims are over-aggresive....
uzzer said:
As a Muslim, its my duty to fight for Allah and Islam. for example. lets say that America declares war with Saudi Arabia. I would goto Saudi Arabia and fight the Americans. Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country and if no-muslims try to attack it, i would fight back.
I cannot answer your second question hottweelz, as no more Prophets will come now except for the return of Jesus PBUH.
but if I was living in the Prophet's PBUH time, and he told me my God wanted me to fight for Islam, then I would.
Its every Muslims duty to, when the time comes, fight the non-believers who are threatening them.

Uzzer, if the remark abt your age is correct, then ignore it, because you need to mature to answer what hotwheelz said above. Its a good question and your answer is insulting Islam altogether.

By talknig abt fight and related, do you want to portray Islam preaches you to fight ?
No religion which encourages its followers to fight will stay as long and I guess, your intention behind runnig this thread and posting without a thought is bringing more disrespect to Islam than any of those cartoonist did.
They were non-Muslaims, so fine they did it may be for fun or out of ignorance, though wrong, but you are a muslim and why you want to portray Islam in bad light ?

You are justifying fellow Muslims who rampaged mbassies and related only to justify cartoonist that it preaches terrorism.

Now again, you are answering hotwheelz by repeatedly telling him that you as a true Muslim will fight and attack non-believers.
Man take a deep dreath, go for a evening walk and then post.

Is Mohammed so helpless that he needs people like you to defend him ?
Why can't Mohammed protect or defend himself and punish all those who insulted him ?
Why are you guys justifying killings and fight as means to protect Prophet ?

All it reflects is, growing uncertainity and insecurity amongst Muslims. They feel so insecure and outcasted that they now reosrt to fights and terrorism.
Why do you feel that way ?

let me tell you something about Akbar and Auranzeb. Both of them were Muslims and opposite in character. Akbar never made people convert to Islam and he enjoyed respect and his reign was better but Auranzeb was notorious, he forced people to convert to Islam. He was hated one.
Now anyone who does not believe in you, has right to do so. No religion can force him to convert to Islam and your killing or attacking anyone is just a STUPID act which you may do and justify as protecting Islam while you are the one who is defaming it.

I know reply is going to come but before you do it, read first two lines. Just don't insult a religion more by your thoughtless, fighting spirit. Islam is not as bad as you are trying to portray, unless ofcourse I was untill now under wrong impression.

ok, Tanderson,
you didnt get what I said. If someone is threatning a muslim population, it is every muslims duty to help the muslim population. I dont want to force anyone to convert to Islam, because then no one would be a true Muslim.
And, I am against fighting and so should be every Muslim. this is how it goes. it starts off peacefully. A muslim should stay calm and tell the non-muslims to back off and leave us alone. bit by bit, it should get heavier and heavier. Fighting is the last thing I want, but if it comes to that then thats what I would do.
And you don't know the kind of things I know. I may be 15, but I am mature. that is why i am not swearing or posting pictures against anyone like those who have done so in the previous post. I am not saying how muslims have reacted is right but lets compare:

why is it that a British Soldier beating up a Muslim is 'acceptable' but a Muslim burning a building isnt??
uzzer said:
why is it that a British Soldier beating up a Muslim is 'acceptable' but a Muslim burning a building isnt??

ITS NOT, who said it is?, these people will be dealed with.
uzzer said:
ok, Tanderson,


why is it that a British Soldier beating up a Muslim is 'acceptable' but a Muslim burning a building isnt??

Who has said it is acceptable? Please, tell us, has anyone or any media outlet suggested that this sort of behaviour is okay? I'm pretty sure if you have a search around and you will find thousands of people and sources outraged and commenting on this behaviour, and critisizing British and US governments for it.

Now, this is the sort of thing that people should be rioting over, imho, becuse it seems to happen quite a bit in the US and British militaries; not some silly little comics.

And, on that note, where is the sense in the fact that Muslims have rioted, burnt flags and so on over these comics, but there is no such activity with relation to these human rights abuses?
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I think this thread needs to be locked, religious threads always end up in the same place, Uzzer simply refuses to take in any of the information provided to him by the dozens of posters who have made an effort.
as long as there is no direct bashing, but opinion sharing im against locking a good thread
uzzer said:
As a Muslim, its my duty to fight for Allah and Islam. for example. lets say that America declares war with Saudi Arabia. I would goto Saudi Arabia and fight the Americans. Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country and if no-muslims try to attack it, i would fight back.

The thread doesn't need to be locked, no one should be bashing, but the above quote scares me.

I'll tell you why:

The religion, in and of itself, is perfectly fine. Very respectable and full of pride.

But just like Christianity and Judaism, and Hinduism, etc, etc, etc, current younger followers are modifying behaviour based on what they learn and experience from their elders.

I guarantee that his book, just like our Bible, does not actually state, "Go beat down those that sin against me, burn their homes, fly planes into their tall buildings, and defend me while I'm not around to defend myself!"

I'm sure it doesn't say that. Sometimes as a Christian, (Baptist Denomination) I'm sure to misinterpret what the Bible says, (IE, homosexuality, Ten Commandments, "stoning people" for prostitution) etc.

Now I know when God says "Thou shalt not kill" I'm pretty sure that he's not talking about death in accidents. If you lose control of you car on ice and hit another car, perhaps killing the other person involved. You're not going to Hell for it, after all our God is the all forgiving.

But other Christians have been known to take each and every Commandment to heart, word for word.

It's based on the Geographic and Demographic of the Environment that the Religion is practiced in. And unfortunately I think the Muslim Religion, in certain states, countries, and continents is taking their "interpretation" of what their Good Book says in a very wrong fashion. WE can only blame the Elders,Leaders, and Officials of this religion.

This is my opinion and my opinion is that it's scary.
My father and I had an interesting discussion on this. He was telling me how we, as Christians, are corrupt. We have pictures of Jesus, though they may not be accurate. Muslims, however, do not have pictures Mohammed. Because of that, Muslims become pissed when people begin to bash their religion. Drawing pictures of Mohammed only pisses them off more.

Answering your question, people do things like this to get attention. At the same time, they are trying to be funny. Making fun of any religion is basically one of the stupidest things one can do. I've been to Europe, I've been to the Middle East, I've been to Asia. I have seen what causes people to become angry and religion is probably the topic that people are most sensitive about. If there is one piece of business of the Middle East that the western world should stay out of, it is religion.
the western dont know eastern values. what you may find acceptable for example drawing cartoons of Prophets, the eastern find unacceptable!!
Eastern Version

Easterner said:
the western dont know eastern values. what you may find acceptable, for example, drawing cartoons of Prophets, the eastern find unacceptable!!

Western Version

Westerner said:
the eastern dont know western values. what you may find acceptable, for example, blowing people up, the western find unacceptable!!
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The Eastern people dont find blowing people up acceptable. Terrorists do find that acceptable, but the caroons are implying Islam as terrorists therefor telling us and other people that to Muslims, it is acceptable.
Lets look at another thing:
What Westerns find acceptable and have at a day-to-day basis: Adultery, Porn, Strip Clubs ETC.
In the East that is not acceptable.
Western: Gambling acceptable
East: unacceptable

Drawing Cartoons of Prophets is unacceptable to Muslims and it is an ISLAMIC LAW not to concern pictures/drawings to Islam. because this can cause Idolism. The cartoonists couldn't respect the Islamic Laws and started talking about freedom. But if I was in Denmark and broke the Danish Law, and was sent to prison I could talk about freedom. They broke an Islamic Law, and if I broke a Law of a Country I would get punished, so why shouldnt they??
uzzer said:
The Eastern people dont find blowing people up acceptable. Terrorists do find that acceptable, but the caroons are implying Islam as terrorists therefor telling us and other people that to Muslims, it is acceptable.
Lets look at another thing:
What Westerns find acceptable and have at a day-to-day basis: Adultery, Porn, Strip Clubs ETC.
In the East that is not acceptable.
Western: Gambling acceptable
East: unacceptable

Drawing Cartoons of Prophets is unacceptable to Muslims and it is an ISLAMIC LAW not to concern pictures/drawings to Islam. because this can cause Idolism. The cartoonists couldn't respect the Islamic Laws and started talking about freedom. But if I was in Denmark and broke the Danish Law, and was sent to prison I could talk about freedom. They broke an Islamic Law, and if I broke a Law of a Country I would get punished, so why shouldnt they??

This thread is unacceptable & your just making your prophet look even worse.

Fact is nobody can stop anybody else expressing their own views, wether it is right or wrong..

Some of you talk about Islamic laws. But the fact is Islam is not the only religion in this world, muslims are not the only people in this world. We respect your religion and your laws within it, but doesn't mean we follow the same laws.

Christians also suffered the same sort of abuse all the time. They don't make such violence and fuss however.