Yes I agree about that "kiddie hosts", but what can you do about it, nothing same thing as overselling. The funniest thing what I see with some kids or even "teen", whatever, from 12-15, call them self a WH CEO, for that you need to have certificate, for example I study Informational Technologys, and I for every finished year, get some "Title", for example, 1. Year when I finish I get a diploma, cisco certificat, and Title as System Administrator, after second year, I get title programer, and etc... when I finish it i become "Magistar" - Master of IT, and if I wan to go more which I will, I will be a dr.sci for IT. About kids running the hosts, well there are some of them that have some potentional, which will not stop doing their job and do all what they can, but like some1 mentioned 10/100 for $1-2 , that is imposible :shame: . First take some things, You need to have some control panel, and you will not use Webmin, Confix or even Zpanel which is free, yes you can if you rent a server for torrents or that kind of stuff, but for webhosting you need to have at least cPanel, with Fantastico which is extra charge, Direct Admin or Plesk. I preffer cPanel cause it is best for me, and all likes it. After control panel you need some billing software, for example I use clientexec and I pay for it 11.95/mo , after you buy billing software then you need some gateway processes except paypal, for example 2checkout, it is $49, good and safe, yes they have some provision (bigger for me than for USA/CA, cause I am in Bosnia (Europe) but for me they are excelent. Suggestion for all before buying a host, check who they are and that kind of stuff. When I search for something I use netcraft, now I have it installed on FF, and when I open some page it show me DC, Year of First showing online, Rank, Risk Rating, location. And the simple one search if you use linux I just type in my console host it give me IP address, I do whois, see from where it comes, ping it, do a nmap search to see is host a live or not, and also show me the time needed for that search, after that all I go to and there research some things. Anyway if you don't have a Netcraft Toolbar, you can check by going on for example, and there you can see all, last reboot, the DC, then some changes, when some host change the DC and etc. But it don't show that stuff from changes if you never searched it before, cause it is not in database.
Sorry for this long post, but it is a good topic
Cheers :beer: