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Your Sexuality (With the poll this time)

Are you...?

  • Gay

    Votes: 5 6.7%
  • Straight

    Votes: 61 81.3%
  • Bi

    Votes: 6 8.0%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 3 4.0%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Giancarlo
Jan, why do you think like that?
Well being a healthy heterosexual, the thought of two men or two women together makes my skin crawl.
Originally posted by Jan

Well being a healthy heterosexual, the thought of two men or two women together makes my skin crawl.

You think me and another boy from my school making out is not so cool...? You do have a point, but hey it is none of your business. ;)
Originally posted by Webdude

You were that bad that you turned a girl gay?? :D

LOL @ Webdude.. ouch

Just read this now but I feel I've gotta reply.

She was already bi before I even started going out with her. ;)

I'm not that bad!! :devious2: :biggrin2:
Originally posted by meow
What are you thinking stu? He can't go to a gay bar. That would be illegal. He is only 18. Shame on you stu! :devious2:
hehe... so what?

ok fine, when you grow older and get out of Argentina, then you can get into a gay bar... everything completely legal for you meow?
Originally posted by Avenger
Back to the last topic:

There are many unhealthy and disgusting ways of intercourse that must be made illegal before we come arguing about prostitutes.

Some say that %45 of USA suburban (or at least "farmer") population have their first sex with a farm animal, most preferibly a DONKEY!

In my country they say its %80!!!

And some (maybe most :( ) women has this theory that every man has his first sex with a prostitute...

:confused: :confused: :confused:

In the small town where I live, news gets around. I guess about 10 years ago a kid named Jason Carter got caught f*cking a goat, and someone took a picture (although i've never seen this picture)

Ever since then, a huge insult would be if someone calls you Jason Carter, or if someone says you hang out with Jason Carter.

If someone ever mentioned something sexual with animals, Jason Carter's name would come into the conversation.

Last year, another guy Matt Smith did the same thing. :mad: So now the ultimate insult would be to get called Matt Smith.
Originally posted by stu
ok fine, when you grow older and get out of Argentina, then you can get into a gay bar... everything completely legal for you meow?
I would be glad to answer, but I'm not clear ablout what you're asking. If it's legal for me to go to a gay bar? :confused:
Originally posted by meow

I would be glad to answer, but I'm not clear ablout what you're asking. If it's legal for me to go to a gay bar? :confused:
I was referring to GC.. now you meow, you're old.. so it's ok.. :biggrin2:
Wait, wha?!:confused:


I'm surprised! I Didn't know. Isn't that a bit too young to decide your emotional ways?!

You might be confused GC. Maybe not even gay. You should take some more time about it!

Things do really work fast, don't they?! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Avenger
Wait, wha?!:confused:


I'm surprised! I Didn't know. Isn't that a bit too young to decide your emotional ways?!

You might be confused GC. Maybe not even gay. You should take some more time about it!

Things do really work fast, don't they?! :rolleyes:

I know what I am, and am not confused.... I have took a lot of time.... and there are many people who decide that they are this way at 15!
Maybe you just think you are because of your smile???
Originally posted by Giancarlo

Oh, you were talking about that... yeah well, I am confused right now about that. Also I should point out the way I smile well fits the stereotype of being gay in some people's opinion.

There are no stereotype gay smiles :confused2
Originally posted by Avenger

Real real surprised....

Have you ever got concerned about what you are or might be?!

Yes I have and I really was struggling with it for months.

And the way I smile.... well.... I dunno.
Originally posted by Avenger

I'm surprised! I Didn't know. Isn't that a bit too young to decide your emotional ways?!
why too young? For those who are straight have pretty much have decided or have a good idea of their "emotional ways" well before the age of 17...
Its as nature intended! :)

The only way a normal living organism to breed and populate is by a straight male-female relation.

Bisexuality only occurs on the beings with intelligence. And it comes from the fact that intelligent minds and their emotions differ. Some outside influence (that we call public) or a different pattern in the subjects DNA pattern leads to a member, "different" from the other members of his society. The more intelligent the creature, the more he is possible to "get exceptional", which, if occurs in normal brainless instinct animals, brings the one's own death or corruption. He can't continue his can maybe continue his own life, but he may not be able to succeed as much as his "default" relatives. Having no cubs for example.

In human nature, its different however.
Humans protect and keep the "anomalies" within the society. So the "others" can group, breed, and populate to bring their own characteristics into their children.
So that's how humans "Branch". There are billions of kinds of emotional and physical features within the human population. They all live, but not all of them are "normal" and "original"

So to go back to the topic, bisexuality is believed to be caused by some distinct patterns of the brain, that evolve during the ages between 10-20. Its only in "human" nature.

Its not a sickness, or a disease,

its just not "normal".
Originally posted by Avenger
Its as nature intended! :)

The only way a normal living organism to breed and populate is by a straight male-female relation.

Bisexuality only occurs on the beings with intelligence. And it comes from the fact that intelligent minds and their emotions differ. Some outside influence (that we call public) or a different pattern in the subjects DNA pattern leads to a member, "different" from the other members of his society. The more intelligent the creature, the more he is possible to "get exceptional", which, if occurs in normal brainless instinct animals, brings the one's own death or corruption. He can't continue his can maybe continue his own life, but he may not be able to succeed as much as his "default" relatives. Having no cubs for example.

In human nature, its different however.
Humans protect and keep the "anomalies" within the society. So the "others" can group, breed, and populate to bring their own characteristics into their children.
So that's how humans "Branch". There are billions of kinds of emotional and physical features within the human population. They all live, but not all of them are "normal" and "original"

So to go back to the topic, bisexuality is believed to be caused by some distinct patterns of the brain, that evolve during the ages between 10-20. Its only in "human" nature.

Its not a sickness, or a disease,

its just not "normal".

It is perfectly normal. The terminology you use is the same used by the church... one I am against.