Read what Peo said..Tree said:There's actually been 12 such cartoons. I think this is just the one that got the most media attention.
Read what Peo said..Tree said:There's actually been 12 such cartoons. I think this is just the one that got the most media attention.
I agree! It's really wrong to mock the Muslims like that but i still think they shoudnt have burnt the flags..uzzer said:islam does not hold Muhammad PBUH as Christians hold Jesus PBUH.
Islam sees Jesus and Muhammad as people who Allah chose to send down the message.
I think the Muslims shouldnt be violent but peaceful protests should be allowed. why should Islam be the tartget at all for these 'jokes'.
why should anyone be the target?
what was the point of a bomb-shaped turban? because all i see is that the cartoonists believe that Muhammed (PBUH) promoted terrorism, but let me tell you people - Islam is about peace, those who kill for the name of Islam and Allah, are wrong, therefor do not compare them to other Muslims. i think the cartoonists did this, they thought, one muslim = terrorist, all muslim = terrorist!!
geiogunn said:Read what Peo said..
uzzer said:I think the Muslims shouldnt be violent but peaceful protests should be allowed. why should Islam be the tartget at all for these 'jokes'.
why should anyone be the target?
Why?? You cant say the WHOLE of Islam is like that. Just because same MuslimsDaniel said:Protest all you want. But in Syria, the embassys of Denmark and France now lay in ruins.
Face it, Islamic people don't like the cartoons, fine. They can send in their letter of complaints, blah blah blah. But do they do that? I guess they did, but then they take it one step further, violence.
Islam is at a stage that Christianity was at in the dark ages: the Crusades.
Yea this is true but doesn't mean if you met a Muslim on a street you must treat him/her like a terroristWojtek said:french people wear berets
americans are fat asses
chinese eat rice 3x per day
islamists are terrorists
its called generalization and boohoo if you cant live with it
surely those generilizations have roots in some thruth, they wernt pulled from someone's --- just like that.
instead of complaining and whining do something constructive
geiogunn said:Yea this is true but doesn't mean if you met a Muslim on a street you must treat him/her like a terrorist
Wojtek said:its called generalization
geiogunn said:All Muslims didnt burn stuff, only some..