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What games are you playing atm?

Tiberium Wars has better graphics. But Generals seem more "real" to me.

I enjoy both games, but I still feel Warcraft 3 Frozen Thrones (on LAN) beat C&C series.
I'm not a huge fan of the whole hero concept and that you can win a game just by managing 1 unit very well. Some of the generals powers are ridiculous though like artillery barrage 3.
I'm not a huge fan of the whole hero concept and that you can win a game just by managing 1 unit very well. Some of the generals powers are ridiculous though like artillery barrage 3.

well, in the endgames of Warcraft 3, you will still need higher lvl units to win. For example, the nightelf archers are simply too weak to survive in latter stages of the game.
Congratumalations you priestieweiste.


Ahh, the lack of warriors on my server atm is ridiculous; stupid warrior nerf. As a result, I have rolled a gnome warrior :p. Level 8! Woohoo! :p

Come roll with me Keagle :devious2:
My quest for Counter-Strike / Steam on Linux (Debian 4.0)

After Cedega failed to compile via WineCVS.sh because of "Error 1337: Cedega is a whiny little bitch" (no I didn't pay for it, the source is free via CVS), I managed to get Steam installed under standard Wine ... and it works. At a snails pace + 4FPS. So, I'm attempting to update my nVidia drivers, but wait! I need my kernel's source tree. Woops. So I'm taking the chance to update my kernel. And after that, I'll go back to fighting Cedega. Maybe it will compile the second time around. Or maybe I should ditch WineCVS.sh and just compile it myself.


And then after I've gotten Debian working perfectly, I can reformat and tackle Gentoo. And after that, I can tackle FreeBSD. And after that, I'll need Rogaine and a tall glass of Jagermeister.
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Ahh, the lack of warriors on my server atm is ridiculous; stupid warrior nerf. As a result, I have rolled a gnome warrior :p. Level 8! Woohoo! :p

Come roll with me Keagle :devious2:

*sighs* Perhaps. Dawf methinks. :D What server and what's the name(Of your midge)?