Out of these:
Note: If I could, I'd remove text from T-Mobile, which would save me 10 USD/mo, making it the best deal, but I don't know if I can do as such.
Also Note: I must be able to pay in person or via recharge card; T-Mobile has no in-person stores in the Madison, WI area, unless other stores can take cash payments? (Please tell.)
if you have any other suggestions on smartphones (NOT Windows), please tell me.
(Not really into slide-out keyboards. So bigger screen = better for touch-screen keyboard.)
- Verizon: 99.98 USD/mo for Unlimited Voice / Web. (Droid X << Large Screen (4+ Inch))
- Sprint: 109.99 USD/mo (99.99 USD/mo + 10.00 USD/mo for HTC EVO Phone << Large Screen (4+ Inch)) for Unlimited Everything
- Sprint Choice 2: 99.99 USD/mo Unlimited Everything (Droid htc hero only (3.2 inch))
- T-Mobile: 99.99 USD/mo Unlimited Everything (Motorola DEFY - 3.7 inch)
Note: If I could, I'd remove text from T-Mobile, which would save me 10 USD/mo, making it the best deal, but I don't know if I can do as such.
Also Note: I must be able to pay in person or via recharge card; T-Mobile has no in-person stores in the Madison, WI area, unless other stores can take cash payments? (Please tell.)
if you have any other suggestions on smartphones (NOT Windows), please tell me.