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That is a most common question, i cannot recommend you Windows over Linux or Linux over Windows.Linux Hosting tends to be a lot cheaper than windows hosting.That doesn't mean that Windows is better because it more expensive or is Linux better because its open source.I can show you some benefits of both, so you decide for yourself.
Linux is one of the most popular and convenient operation systems. Linux-based hosting provides a graphical interface and an automation tool that is designed to ease the process of hosting a website. It usually comes with a dedicated server or virtual private server to work with cPanel configurations. Linux is more secure The web designer also has more features in Linux, so long as you do not have websites that require specific applications. It is actually paid
Windows hosting, on the other hand, uses Windows as the operating system of the server and provides Windows-specific technologies such as ASP, .NET, Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL).
Linux web hosting is popular hosting service that supports the language of PERL and PHP. It attracts the customers most due to its cost price.It is a free type of web hosting service where the users can modify there needs according to their choice.It has been cited that Linux is much more secure and reliable as compared to other hosting services.
Windows operating system is being used by the customers. Thus, they take lots of benefits by using this hosting. Although, windows hosting is quite costlier with comparing to Linux hosting. But, the users buy it due to its higher security and better efficiency. This hosting is developed under the technology of MySQL by Microsoft.Combining the smooth integration and higher reliability with single point of control, windows has become the best for the users to use.
Most of the time you will get different opinions from people as they use one of the OS according to their convenience. I personally am an avid Windows user so I will always prefer Windows over Linux
Yes, VPS hosting is cheaper but it is also recognized for its stability and security. The reliability of Linux server is great. There are Linux servers which are haven't been rebooted in years.
Being a pampered cPanel user, I am more keen to use Linux hosting. Of course, there is Plex and other web panels and interfaces. Still, when one gets familiar with Linux hosting and it's likes, it is hard to go to Windows server.
Again Windows is widely used in enterprise seen. Microsoft might want to keep it that way as well. They invest a lot on their cloud resources for enterprises.