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Yet another idiot wanting help to choose a FWH...

Originally posted by Ron Seigel
This board is really starting to SUCK. I guess you've become one of them now huh Chicken? Edit everything and anything you can get your hands on. You used to be fun. Now you're a moderator and you're all high and mighty and absolutely NO FUN. Rather sad actually.

Nice job Peo. You've taken this from a fun board to yet another boring piece of CRAP! Doesn't the web have enough boring pieces of crap disguised as message boards?

[Edited by Ron Seigel on 11-23-2000 at 12:34 PM]

Awwww, c'mon I'm still fun :) Maybe I interpret fun differently, but I don't think some newbie coming to a board insulting you for no reason as 'fun'? I'm not trying to be high and mighty, just keep topics going, and pointless name calling out. I'm sorry if I took the fun out of this thread, and I'll talk to Peo to see what he wants re: this. Ohhh-righty?

Just realize that if I edit one jack-donkey's posts, I have to edit yours too. The comment made to you was uncalled for, and I though you'd appreciate me killing it, but errr.... I guess not. As I said, I'll get with Peo on this and see what he wants.