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Yet another idiot wanting help to choose a FWH...

Originally posted by esockiton
This original post echoes requirements precisely of that which I am looking for (FTP, no pop-ups). While design is only a hobby, I have around 10 websites I need to put on different freehosts to get a "feel for the market". However I do know that in the long-term, small demands for webspace (e.g less than 5-10 megs) will always be met in abundance by hosting services keen to attract the experimental designers and non-professionals. Noting the speculation in dotcoms, trademark laws and the value of goodwill in the financial accounts make millions for founders, so it is difficult to see why one should ever have to pay for start-up webspace. Of course because the barriers to entry to running a website are small compared to a traditional business, I suspect that a lot of the future growth of e-commerce is going to still arrive from the small fry experimenting with commercial appearances while in fact there is little or no real financial investment. This is the whole point surely of freewebspace, if a site makes it big (even if just the domain name is sold as a charming icon to the fashionable) then surely the success of the individual website reflects on the host provider in general? The trouble with the old big guns such as geocities etc are not only the technical complaints but that they started early and attracted too many nerds. Now I know Bill Gates is saying "be nice to nerds at school, one day they'll be your boss" but with wars and the what, it is the non-scientific whom eventually take command of a technology for a common future of mankind. Geocites, I guess, must be chock-a-block of incredible bores that just had to get their information into the public domain simply years ago (95 or 96?). Normal people are still being woken up to the power and addiction of the internet and when they do so they are going to want a little free-space. It is all well and good Yahoo stomping around holding Geocities on it's back, like the early-adopters of internet publishing technology matter! No one cares if the X million pages of nonsense produced by techies and nurds in the mid 90s simply vanishes into smoke. The future is flash crowds, instant fame and one day wonders and ART. Now is the time to launch more free webhosts and actually put some heart and soul into it, not a lofty and arrogant manner that advertises the sentiment "we are giving it to you free and you should be grateful that we host it for you ". Seriously? Does any author go to his publisher and tolerate such an attitude? Do you think the beatnik authors did? Did Ken Kasey or William Borroughs go to the publishers with cap in hand? No they raged in like burning pillars of fire, savaging a generation and upsetting traditions. When I give up even a small bit of poetry to a website, I have given up far more than that hosting service has: my creativity. The hosting service can take its routers and brouters and choke on them! And if a hosting service should ever treat me rudely or carelessly I will never do business with them again and furthermore instruct all friends to avoid them like the plague. So tell me who is king? Content. And who is father of the king? The author. This is art and something as cheap and simple as providing freewebspace to amateurs and start-ups should be done with grace and generosity. An artist remembers more whose hand it was that fed him! Away with your biological diagrams that tell me what a hand is and how the bones made it up.

ahh too many words and letters!!! starting to fall asleep!!!
Originally posted by esockiton
This original post echoes requirements precisely of that which I am looking for (FTP, no pop-ups). While design is only a hobby, I have around 10 websites I need to put on different freehosts to get a "feel for the market". However I do know that in the long-term, small demands for webspace (e.g less than 5-10 megs) will always be met in abundance by hosting services keen to attract the experimental designers and non-professionals. Noting the speculation in dotcoms, trademark laws and the value of goodwill in the financial accounts make millions for founders, so it is difficult to see why one should ever have to pay for start-up webspace. Of course because the barriers to entry to running a website are small compared to a traditional business, I suspect that a lot of the future growth of e-commerce is going to still arrive from the small fry experimenting with commercial appearances while in fact there is little or no real financial investment. This is the whole point surely of freewebspace, if a site makes it big (even if just the domain name is sold as a charming icon to the fashionable) then surely the success of the individual website reflects on the host provider in general? The trouble with the old big guns such as geocities etc are not only the technical complaints but that they started early and attracted too many nerds. Now I know Bill Gates is saying "be nice to nerds at school, one day they'll be your boss" but with wars and the what, it is the non-scientific whom eventually take command of a technology for a common future of mankind. Geocites, I guess, must be chock-a-block of incredible bores that just had to get their information into the public domain simply years ago (95 or 96?). Normal people are still being woken up to the power and addiction of the internet and when they do so they are going to want a little free-space. It is all well and good Yahoo stomping around holding Geocities on it's back, like the early-adopters of internet publishing technology matter! No one cares if the X million pages of nonsense produced by techies and nurds in the mid 90s simply vanishes into smoke. The future is flash crowds, instant fame and one day wonders and ART. Now is the time to launch more free webhosts and actually put some heart and soul into it, not a lofty and arrogant manner that advertises the sentiment "we are giving it to you free and you should be grateful that we host it for you ". Seriously? Does any author go to his publisher and tolerate such an attitude? Do you think the beatnik authors did? Did Ken Kasey or William Borroughs go to the publishers with cap in hand? No they raged in like burning pillars of fire, savaging a generation and upsetting traditions. When I give up even a small bit of poetry to a website, I have given up far more than that hosting service has: my creativity. The hosting service can take its routers and brouters and choke on them! And if a hosting service should ever treat me rudely or carelessly I will never do business with them again and furthermore instruct all friends to avoid them like the plague. So tell me who is king? Content. And who is father of the king? The author. This is art and something as cheap and simple as providing freewebspace to amateurs and start-ups should be done with grace and generosity. An artist remembers more whose hand it was that fed him! Away with your biological diagrams that tell me what a hand is and how the bones made it up.

Are we still talking about free webspace?

[Edited by Nick on 11-18-2000 at 09:26 PM]
Cheers for those (although I must say I'm not *entirely* sure what esockiton was getting at...)

NetCabins look promising:

1) Their TOS are possibly the most readable I've ever seen (not that that's saying a lot...)
2) Their limits are fine for me - freeze 2k says it gives 100 megs and no ads, which I just find too good to be true - in that case, why doesn't everyone use them?
3) I have official confirmation, in plain English from a real human being (thanks, NC_TOM) that zipfiles are OK - I doubt anything I write will ever be close to 5 megs, as I'm nowhere near commercial standard.
4) They don't have those damn popups!
5) They actually bothered to listen to what I wanted, rather than trying to offer me (eg) a FWP without FTP, when I'd said that was essential.

It'll be a little while until I have a reasonable site to upload, but if they're still up and running then, they're looking good for a new subscriber. Thanks everyone! :)
OMG! What the <<EDIT>> is up with this Ron Seigel guy?? <<EDIT>>.

Name calling and insulting other members is uncalled for. All posts after 11/18 will be edited since they only lead to flames wars and do not add constructively to the discussion of the thread topics. Please use your better judgement.

[Edited by Chicken on 11-20-2000 at 08:13 PM]
Originally posted by Kafei
OMG! What the <<EDIT>> is up with this Ron Seigel guy?? <<EDIT>>.


What's up with this Kafei guy?? Comes in here on his first post and tells someone he doesn't know to shut up?? <<EDIT>>.


.... Not everyone in the world is nice. Wake up and smell the <<EDIT>>.

Name calling and insulting other members is uncalled for. All posts after 11/18 will be edited since they only lead to flames wars and do not add constructively to the discussion of the thread topics. Please use your better judgement.

[Edited by Chicken on 11-20-2000 at 08:14 PM]
That about sums up my thoughts on the subject too Nick. ;) Kinda beat me to it there. When he's posted here as long as I have maybe he can talk. Until then....do what Nick said.
hmm.. I'm leaning towards no, <<EDIT>>.

Name calling and insulting other members is uncalled for. All posts after 11/18 will be edited since they only lead to flames wars and do not add constructively to the discussion of the thread topics. Please use your better judgement.

[Edited by Chicken on 11-20-2000 at 08:15 PM]
Originally posted by Kafei
hmm.. I'm leaning towards no, just shut the hell up Seigel

Amazing! A whopping 2 posts in and you're already <<EDIT>> that's ever posted here. That's something to be proud of.

I've been posting here for over 2 years. I'll be damned if some <<EDIT>> like you is going to come here and tell me to shut up with his first 2 posts. If you don't want to read my posts I suggest you leave. I'm here to stay!

[Edited by Chicken on 11-20-2000 at 08:18 PM]
Kafei i agree with you <<EDIT>>:)

Name calling and insulting other members is uncalled for. All posts after 11/18 will be edited since they only lead to flames wars and do not add constructively to the discussion of the thread topics. Please use your better judgement.

[Edited by Chicken on 11-20-2000 at 08:20 PM]
Originally posted by dabman
Hello people. Before I start, I'd better say - yes, I *have* tried the Advanced and Power Searches...

What I'm looking for is a site to host a few smallish freeware programs I've written (all my own stuff, nothing over a meg). This is really the bare bones:

* 10 megs of space
* FTP upload - I *hate* those browser upload things
* must allow zipfiles
* I can live with a banner ad - but not popups
* reasonably short URL
* not likely to collapse any time soon...

This isn't just going to be a file warehouse - there'll be plenty of HTML as well - and the files themselves won't be hotlinked to from outside the site.

I've just spent several hours going around some of the main free hosts, and I have to say their T&Cs are mostly appallingly badly written - it's very hard to tell what is and isn't allowed.

I've been in this situation before - I used to be with Freedom2Surf, who were good, but then they suddenly decided that zipfiles were banned (without telling anyone). I FTP'd in one day to find all my zip archives were gone... Fortunecity allow files, I know, but they're so sloooow.

I just know someone'll say "get a paid host, then" - but I don't *want* one of those - that's why I'm in this forum! Any help appreciated. Thanks.

Maybe we've lost sight of the thread? If all that is going to happen is people are going to exchange senseless insults up and back, then this thread can be closed, but if there are others who'd like to add to the topic posted above feel free.
Geez fellas. He just wanted some advice. And now you guys are making a fuzz about something you have no control.
This board is really starting to SUCK. I guess you've become one of them now huh Chicken? Edit everything and anything you can get your hands on. You used to be fun. Now you're a moderator and you're all high and mighty and absolutely NO FUN. Rather sad actually.

Nice job Peo. You've taken this from a fun board to yet another boring piece of CRAP! Doesn't the web have enough boring pieces of crap disguised as message boards?

[Edited by Ron Seigel on 11-23-2000 at 12:34 PM]