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managed wordpress hosting

Will buy someone a .COM or .NET AGAIN!!

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Name: Tom Torino
Age: 24
What do you want the website for?:
My current site, which has moved several times throughout the last year, can be found here As it stands right now, my site is the usual blog, a means of critique, general humor, discussion/debate (once everyone reregisters on the forums again), news (via rss), reviews, and so on. At this point I'm still working on content and overall design. My current aim is to shove my personal blog to the side and ultimately provide a good service for the general 'net/community. Search engines such as Google are too crowded with fake pages, with 500 word headers. There's nothing more annoying then trying to research something specific, only to find out it's a spoof or scam of sorts. People are always looking for a one-stop shop per se'. With forums, links, reviews, and so on - the potential is there to make a site worth while, well known, and of course fun.

Are you willing to put a small link back to my website?
Depending on the final layout of my site, including the size and position of my logo, the location of your link would be in question. I'd be more then willing to encorporate a banner of yours (probably 400x40 on the top right, assuming my new logo is dropped down to roughly the same size and placed on the left hand side), along with the standard button size (90x30 I think). Everything regarding your site, in regards to promotion, is negotiable. I don't mind advertisements when they're not placed in a predesignated area/fixed position.

Would I have to register it for you or will you receive my money thru paypal?
Chances are you'd have to register it. I've had issues with paypal in the past. Never lost my account, but money did come up missing. Call me insecure and old fashioned
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# Name:Fong Phooi Nam
# Age:13
# What do you want the website for:I wanted to make a true ghost stories site. I currenty have more than 1000 tru stories from my country
# Are you willing to put a small link back to my website:Yes
# Would I have to register it for you or will you receive my money thru paypal: I hope you will register for me
# Name: Wojtek
# Age: 18
# What do you want the website for? Showcase my created music, (Producer Portfolio)
# Are you willing to put a small link back to my website? sure
# Would I have to register it for you or will you receive my money thru paypal? PayPal, I'll register myself, thank you :)
Name = Anis Zahir
Age = 16
What do you want the website for = Free forum hosting. I dont intend on making any profits at all. I currently only support phpbb and Invision Power Board, but as we grow we have plans to introduce YABB hosting and also SMF. We will not put up ads on the forums unless we get into a situation where we have no choice.
Are you willing to put a small link back to my website = Of course.
Would I have to register it for you or will you receive my money thru paypal = Money through paypal seems ok.
3.What do you want the website for? <---- This is the most important one.
4.Are you willing to put a small link back to my website?
5.Would I have to register it for you or will you receive my money thru paypal ?

1. Cody
2. 15
3. It will be for the Open Source 2d Computer RPG I am creating with a group of people who I met on a message board. We will use the site to have wahtever@whatever.com emails. We will have the domain and we will provide updates of our project. We will use the site for many things related to the game (Uploading demos, having email addresses, host forums, ect.) Our current site is http://luegames.x10hosting.com. And as you can see, we have a subdomain, even though the host is great, we'd like a site that is a .com
4.Yes I would, even an ad if you asked
5.Whichever you choose, but I'd prefer for you to register it.
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Name: Peter Chew Kia Hong
Age: 18
What do you want the website for:
A site that contains the following:
1) Rants
2) Jokes
3) Funny Pictures
4) Funny Literature
5) Optical Illusions
6) Forums
7) Arcade with over 100+ games in forum
The site has been up for about a year: Clicky
Are you willing to put a small link back to my website: No problem
Would I have to register it for you or will you receive my money thru paypal: Registering it for me would be nice.

Btw, how long would the domain last?
1. Name: Brandon

2. Age: 16

3. What do you want the website for? It is a discussion about many different things including photoshop, Consoles, and the most omportant topic - the game Half-Life and Half-Life 2 (by valve coorp) - it includes downloads for half-life mods and scripts for Counterstrike.
You can visit it - http://www.hlworld.co.nr

4. Are you willing to put a small link back to my website? Definately - affilate

5. Would I have to register it for you or will you receive my money thru paypal ? You would have to register it since I do not have a paypal account

I have just recently started this website up and have few members but I am starting to get uite a few who want to download my CounterStrike Multi Script (which my clan made)
1. Name: Vence Prospere

2. Age: 13

3. What do you want the website for?: this is a website for game faqs,walkthoughs, cheats and game related stuff.will be legall!!no roms . it isa php site connectted to an ipb free version forum

4. Are you willing to put a small link back to my website?: Sure even a banner or an icon

5. Would I have to register it for you or will you receive my money thru paypal ?: You would have to register it.
Name: Joseph Garcia
Age: 16
What do you want the website for? <---- This is the most important one:
I already have a ok looking version up of it running( www.pbstudios.tk ) I could use hosting but just the domain is fine! very fine!!!
Are you willing to put a small link back to my website? sure not at all whatever you want.
Would I have to register it for you or will you receive my money thru paypal: You would have to register for me.............. p.s. if you pick me to get the domain can I get www.pbstudios.net thank ou for your time.
1 Name: Gavin
2 Age: 14
3 I would like to start a webhosting biz.
4 Of course..
5 Whichever you prefer
Name: Jim Papadimitiriou
Age: 16
What do you want the website for? <---- This is the most important one:
A friend is going to give me some space to host peoples' sites for free and I would like to have a domain for this.
Are you willing to put a small link back to my website? Yes I will, and I will put 2 if you want:)
Would I have to register it for you or will you receive my money thru paypal: No problem...

Name: Abhishek Sukhadia
Age: 15
What do you want the website for? : The website is already made: www.clanstag.uni.cc. The site is a CS Clan Site. We are growing by the day. We get tons of hits, as you can see (we opened a dew days ago)
Are you willing to put a small link back to my website?: Absoutely
Would I have to register it for you or will you receive my money thru paypal ?: any is ok
# Name:
# Age:
# What do you want the website for?
My website has small text files about everything. Anyone writes in about whatever it is they want and I will put it on my site for everyone to read. I also run a forum that has a wide variety of topics from computers to politics to religion, etc. I also host images for people that have images that are too big for imageshack.us or photobucket.com (due to their file size limits). The TLD would be great for that so people wouldn't have to have my llong subdomain name as their image URL. Plus it would make my site look and sound much more professional.
# Are you willing to put a small link back to my website?
Yes, of course.
# Would I have to register it for you or will you receive my money thru paypal?
I would need you to register it. The only reason why I can't get a domain is because I have no way of paying for it. I have no credit card and neither does my family. Plus my parents would never let me use their banking account to pay for a domain.
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Name: Jacob
Age: 17
well im going to be making alot of pages and alot of info about websites about ww2 ww1 and games and spyware help programes and more
no igot a link that does domains 3.99 per year u can sign up for if u wnt for my domain and i don't need it to my paypal
TechN9n said:
# Name: Syaira
# Age: 13
# What do you want the website for? It would a be a fanlistings site.
# Are you willing to put a small link back to my website? Yup
# Would I have to register it for you or will you receive my money thru paypal ?
It's up to you....I dont mind at all.. :)
But it would be great if you give me the money thru paypal.
sorry but i need to change that information...
# Name: Syaira
# Age: 13
# What do you want the website for? It would a be a personal site.
# Are you willing to put a small link back to my website? Yup
# Would I have to register it for you or will you receive my money thru paypal ?
It's up to you....I dont mind at all.. :)
But it would be great if you give me the money thru paypal.[/QUOTE]
What do you think the
-button is for?
# Name: Peyo
# Age: 13
# What do you want the website for? It is the site of my group,which makes forum rpg's(roleplaying games).
# Are you willing to put a small link back to my website? Yup
# Would I have to register it for you or will you receive my money thru paypal ?You register it.
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