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Whose been around?


New Member
Having become a regular here again, I notice the Free Hosting Offers forum has a lot of offers from companies offering the world. This has always been the case in the free hosting market and there are always those early adopters who sign on to those hosts.

The post-to-host phenomenon is a new one to me, as well. I assume the logic behind that is getting traffic to a forum where advertisements are displayed. One way or another advertisements will get to the users. I have to admit, it's a creative way to get ads off the websites, but is it just another gimmick in a long line?

These hosts also exhibit all the same traits of hosts in the past who offered the world and then folded a few months down the line.

Which hosts are still around, reliable and fast? Which of these hosts do you trust?
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I've heard lots of good things about this post-for-host phenomenon, I actually consider trying to offer it every so often, but then I stop.
Personally I've never understood the post-to-host idea, putting ads onto a forum is fine. Do people actually click on these ads when posting their minimum post count per month ?

Surely you must get a lower click rate when only the account owner needs to view the ads rather than all of the site visitors ?
Well, the theory in ads, is that the ad is given in context. You're posting about Howard Stern, you see an ad for Sirius Satellite Radios. You go "oooh" and click on it. I think the only good post-for-host scenario would include posting conversations people actually want to have and not do it "because" they have to for webhosting. Thats the one thing that keeps me from trying it out.
Posting for Hosting, for me anyway, seems quite unrealiable. People by nature dont click ads unless of course they either know to click them (however if they have been told to, its a violation of Google TOS) or its blended into the layout (quite difficult in forums). Or in the best case scenario, the content actually interests them! :).

The most reliable Post to Host provider I can think of is Lifelesspeople.com, they to my knoweledge have been around for quite some time now for Post to Host standards (They more or less claim to have started the initial band wagon), and the owner seems to be quite a friendly person :).
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So, while I haven't been around these forums in a long time, am I generally along the right lines considering these hosts to be the same as they've always been? Hosts thinking they can make lots of money fast but who usually fold, get hacked, lose their backups, etc., within a few months?

I must say, post-to-host seems a little disagreeable for me, from the advertiser's side. Users are posting simply to continue their hosting, not to see ads. I can't imagine the CTR to very good.

Exactly the type of thing I'm talking about:
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Matt said:
So, while I haven't been around these forums in a long time, am I generally along the right lines considering these hosts to be the same as they've always been? Hosts thinking they can make lots of money fast but who usually fold, get hacked, lose their backups, etc., within a few months?

I must say, post-to-host seems a little disagreeable for me, from the advertiser's side. Users are posting simply to continue their hosting, not to see ads. I can't imagine the CTR to very good.

Exactly the type of thing I'm talking about:
Congratulations Matt! Your definition of "Post to host" has been accepted into the Oxford dictionary (ie. That sums up P2H quite well :)).

Yes, if you browse around you can see that all that is going on pretty easily. Recently someones domain was stolen, numerous hosts have gone down and your chances of finding a P2H Host who regulary keeps backups is slim. There are always exceptions however...

Your safest bet is a host that displays ads on your website. Actually, your safest is a paid host but this is the "Free Webspace" forum after all. As for recommendations, look to other members. I cant really speak on this topic, a bit of a conflict of interest :).

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Matt said:
So, while I haven't been around these forums in a long time, am I generally along the right lines considering these hosts to be the same as they've always been? Hosts thinking they can make lots of money fast but who usually fold, get hacked, lose their backups, etc., within a few months?

I must say, post-to-host seems a little disagreeable for me, from the advertiser's side. Users are posting simply to continue their hosting, not to see ads. I can't imagine the CTR to very good.

Believe it or not, a LOW CTR has it's advantages as well. Eveyone gets concerned when Google or anyone else is evaluating the clicks, multiple IPs always look bad. I appreciate HIGH Exposure with lower click through rate (sometimes).

And as much as I agree with Matt about his concerns, I'd add: There's probably a lot more factors when choosing a host, that one should recognize whether or not they will fold early. That actual site postforhost.com has been around quite a long time I think. Isn't that Dan's site? And now it's gone:(
X3r0X said:
The most reliable Post to Host provider I can think of is Lifelesspeople.com, they to my knoweledge have been around for quite some time now for Post to Host standards (They more or less claim to have started the initial band wagon), and the owner seems to be quite a friendly person :).

Definitely. Trel knows what's going on. ;)
I had a post-to-host company before. It does generate a lot of members on the forums but 99% of them will just post nonsense to get hosted.