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have they skipped town now? I've been down since Friday or even Thursday and havent' heard/seen anything from them. I've also seen this reported on another forum. Has anybody heard anything?
SCREW THEM... i sent them one final email at the following email. I also have their address now so i will also write a letter threatening to take them to court. If no reply, then THEY will be going to court. All i want is my database, but they can't even reply back to my email.
5643 Wellesley St.
Los Angeles, CA 90189
Registrar: DOTSTER
Created on: 15-MAR-03
Expires on: 15-MAR-06
Last Updated on: 23-FEB-05
I have the same problem - several domains gone! - no warning - no excuses - no support.
I am trying to move on - I found a (more expensive) host provider and am recreating domains one by one.
It would just be nice to get up for a couple of hours - a quick tar of a few file systems - one or two mysql database dumps and hey presto!
Good to know I am not the only one. My site has been down for almost a month, at least, and none of my attempts to contact them have received any replies. I think this is the last time I pick a host without a phone number or that hasn't bought their own domain for several years in advance. I have tried contacting them via the webform on the contact page, the support ticket site, and at the following addresses:
Ok, a few of them I haven't tried already, but I am going to try today. Still, though, they haven't replied to any of my previous attempts online or via e-mail. They even seem to have removed my previous support ticket.
I suppose it might be futile to send them a letter at their supposed address in CA? My only thought is that perhaps their e-mail is also down, but I somehow doubt it, and they should at least have access to the support ticket site if I do as well (especially considering that my first ticket is now gone).
BTW, I was on their server SV16 ( and The support ticket site makes no mention of this server, but seems to say that SV3, SV7, SV8, SV10, SV15, and SV17 are up and in good condition. It makes no mentions of any other servers. Grrrr.