I've been looking around on the interenet for a couple days now for a reseller plan within $10-12/month that allows adult content.:evilb: Also where I can brand my clients CPanel with my own hosting company logo.
I want to make sure that the company is trustworthy & reliable and has wonderful reviews on the net. I was hoping I can get something around this area with the price I stated above:
15-20GB of DiskSpace
100GB+ on B/W
Unlimited Domains
No yearly contracts
Also, I would like to also know what you charge per account made under the reseller.
:jump: By the way.. earlier I came upon BestReseller.com and PluginSpace.com and they offered some tempting deals... :idea: BUT.. i know sometimes you end up getting what you paid for... so.. err... sounds good.. but i dunno...
Please respond ASAP. I need a reseller account this week! Thanks!
I've been looking around on the interenet for a couple days now for a reseller plan within $10-12/month that allows adult content.:evilb: Also where I can brand my clients CPanel with my own hosting company logo.
I want to make sure that the company is trustworthy & reliable and has wonderful reviews on the net. I was hoping I can get something around this area with the price I stated above:
15-20GB of DiskSpace
100GB+ on B/W
Unlimited Domains
No yearly contracts
Also, I would like to also know what you charge per account made under the reseller.
:jump: By the way.. earlier I came upon BestReseller.com and PluginSpace.com and they offered some tempting deals... :idea: BUT.. i know sometimes you end up getting what you paid for... so.. err... sounds good.. but i dunno...
Please respond ASAP. I need a reseller account this week! Thanks!