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phpbb2 2.0.22 free styles


New Member
before i ask... yes i have googled it.... (why do people always reply w/ this?)

does anyone know a good site for phpbb styles, themes, mods, etc?

i am using phpbb2 v 2.0.22

i would like to hear from people who have actually used the site and know that the mods / styles / themes will not break stuff and that they actually work.


ps. and yes i have been to phpbb.com
But have you been to phpbbhacks.com? It's kind of like invisionize for phpbb. By the way, it's best to not do too much to your phpBB2 at the moment, phpBB3 will be out soon, and you'll have to un-install all of your mods/skins (except subSilver) and then update. Why do you ask? As phpBB.com Staff said, phpBB2 mods will not work with phpBB3. Also, phpBB3 is already in Release Candidate.

thanks for the reply!

ya i guess i am looking at phpbb2 because i thought more skins would be availble and more support resources.

not convinced that there will be major changes in the new release...

do you know any big changes?
do you know any big changes?

Entire Code Re-Writes ring any bells? All skins and mods will be incompatible regardless. The AdminCP is completely re-written, along with forum-handling, announcements, etc. Subforums are now available. However, Quick Reply (As they said on Area51) will never be added to a phpBB release. Skins are also cached differently.

thanks for the input...

i think i have decided to go with vbulletin instead on my next project.

what do you think of it?
thanks for the input...
i think i have decided to go with vbulletin instead on my next project.
what do you think of it?

Most reputed paid script, deservedly so but it's not cheap. So maybe not the best choice for someone who may be a beginner in setting up forums / has no revenue or image boost to expect from the website & forum / has no excess money to throw away.

And of course using a cracked version will legitimately get you booted off any webhost worth its salt.

SMF may be the nicest free one for those who want a hands-off forum, it comes with most features you'd expect from a current major message board included, updates install themselves in a couple clicks, etc...

MyBB and phpBB3 are lovely and free too, though myBB is a bit lacking in forum themes choice due to IMO undeservedly smaller user base.