A thought on restoring service (might be a bit late)
(In response to this: (I don't know how to do a quote yet. Sorry.))
Hi d-w host, we have not even begun to write the apologize notice with an inclusive post-mortem, as it's still being fought. The Server dynamically bans the IP Address that establishes over 100,000 connections every second.
Then the IP Changes and everything starts all over again.
The particular server affected is up about 3 minutes every hour or so. Within those three minutes, we are copying accounts over to multiple Disaster Recovery sites.
If you are a newer customer, it's perhaps the chance that a carbon copy never got over originally.
The webhost has decided to defend the customer that they have, FYI, and re-activated the website.
Cease and Desist letters have gone out, Legal is evaluating the situation now.
I had a converstation with the person responsible for the attack. He did NOT DENY the attack was taking place. He DID ADMIT my custoemr deserves this.
My argument is that he is damaging, financially, over 500 other innocent people!
-------------------------------------------------------End Quote
I was just thinking that you could literally unplug the server from the internet, haul it over to a private LAN, and then pull files from it? I mean, if the server is going to be down anyways, why not keep it from being damaged by the constant bombardment of the DDoS attacks? I have a web server at home (be it VERY small), and if anything like this were to happen I would be able to just unplug it from the LAN and work on it that way. Just a thought.