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Past Outage Info

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For those of you affected by the DDoS attack on one of the ChargerTek Servers... specifically, OfficialFreedom.com:

The person(s) involved in inducing the attack has been discovered.
The webhost of the person(s) inducing the attack has been discovered.

The webhost of the site responsible for ChargerTek's 48 hour long intermittent outages due to the DDoS, lives three blocks away from myself, HottWeelz.

We are meeting this evening to discuss damages done, actions taken on their part, and respsonsibility that needs to be owned up to.

We treat actions such as Hacking and DDoS'ing and other activities that result in actual monetary damage, very seriously.

As a note for other people who participate in these type of actions and/or are hosts of these type of people: Based on Geography, there are times where you are not necessarily protected by the keyboard and network line.

Hosts: Always be aware of what your customers are doing.
Customers: Always be aware that confidentiality is only as secure as it's weakest link.

See you in court.​

Service has been NOT YET been restored to normal operations, our latest task will be stopping the other people involved that the attacker has employed.

My new slogan may just have to be. "Service, on a personal level."
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Am sorry this happended to you but why do we need to know?, am not having a go or anything but I dont understand your logic?, isnt it best to email your clients instead of using a public forum to display your troubles?.
craig said:

Am sorry this happended to you but why do we need to know?, am not having a go or anything but I dont understand your logic?, isnt it best to email your clients instead of using a public forum to display your troubles?.

There's a reason, linked to FWS, that it happened. So I figure it's ok. Sorry if I troubled other people who it doesn't really "click" with.

Also lesson learned for visitors who have done this to other webhosts in the past.
I see no reason for him not to post it. It's public info. I like to see action taken against hackers/wrongdoers posted any day of the week.

Out of curiosity hottweelz, how old is this person?
The host is about my age, late twenties, maybe, I'm 30. He'll provide me with the details of his customer tonight.
We do not know yet. The person that lives near to "Hottweelz" is the host of the person that performed this attack.
Apparently a lot of people are getting hit, I still am from this one. It's HORRIBLE.

I met with the host last night, very polite, understanding people. They were shocked that I knocked on the front door of their home, but they are a mom/pop type of shop, along with a 15 year old son.

I explained the situation:
Basically, their customer is offering CASH to anyone who can shut down my customer. It's blatant on the front page of the site.
The site http://somecodes.com is now a 404 Page.
The real situation here is that it's not the actual customer of that host that's DDoSing me, it's all these kids looking to make quick cash thanks to the customer.

As a note: The host tried breaking out the TOS where it states, customer does not hold the hosting company liable.... blah blah blah...

I explained that since he's a Sole Proprietor in NYS and not an LLC. It's a broken statement in his TOS and law upholds that Sole Propreitors are 100% liable for the actions from their business.

He's becomming an LLC. He also requested a Cease and Desist Letter from my Lawfirm and a screenshot of the site (he hosts, I told him to look for himself)

My lawfirm is writing it up this morning.

Somewhat heated discussion, but very professional and practical considering they invited me into the Living Room.

They admitted they are still learning a lot and I also explained that we are "always" learning.

It went well, the site is down, legal action is being taken in a respectable matter, monetary loss is becoming QUITE HIGH at this point and they are assisting us in holding their customer, soon to be former customer, liable when/if this has to go to court.

They understand they will have to meet in court, being the host and a Sole Propreitor at the time of the attack, but I assured them that the actions they are taking are adequate and I will NOT hold them accountable.

Still fighting the DDOS. I just feel bad for my customers, as well as the one that accidentally brought this about.
Ur a fighting hero hottweelz!!!

This is so very unfair, because just as we got our reseller account, these bloody 12 year old kids started to stuff things up!!

Look mate, sue them, their parents whoever possible, for as much as possible.

Have no pity! They should pay, and they should pay a lot.

If this kid has the money to pay others to do his dirty work, then I'm sure he'll have no trouble paying the damages!!!

However, are you confident you can identify this troubled, sick, twisted individual? As in, he could have used false information when getting hosted.

Well good luck mate, if you need any help, I'd be glad to give it.
I would love to meet the kid who did this....in a dark alley somewhere.
I am one reseller affected by this ddos. Since i cannot go into the rtg site as it is down, i might as well post my query here.

Is there any hope of restoring the service in the immediate future? I couldn't offer hosting now as i cannot show anything to potential clients.

d-w host said:
I am one reseller affected by this ddos. Since i cannot go into the rtg site as it is down, i might as well post my query here.

Is there any hope of restoring the service in the immediate future? I couldn't offer hosting now as i cannot show anything to potential clients.

Hi d-w host, we have not even begun to write the apologize notice with an inclusive post-mortem, as it's still being fought. The Server dynamically bans the IP Address that establishes over 100,000 connections every second.
Then the IP Changes and everything starts all over again.
The particular server affected is up about 3 minutes every hour or so. Within those three minutes, we are copying accounts over to multiple Disaster Recovery sites.
If you are a newer customer, it's perhaps the chance that a carbon copy never got over originally.

The webhost has decided to defend the customer that they have, FYI, and re-activated the website.

Cease and Desist letters have gone out, Legal is evaluating the situation now.

I had a converstation with the person responsible for the attack. He did NOT DENY the attack was taking place. He DID ADMIT my custoemr deserves this.

My argument is that he is damaging, financially, over 500 other innocent people!

As this thread is going to be too long, I wil repost right below this post, the chat transcript. I apologize in advance for "Double Posting"
SomeCodes: hello is this Jams?
SomeCodes: James?
HottWeelz: Yes
SomeCodes: you went over my hostees house
HottWeelz: Yes
SomeCodes: for what reason?
HottWeelz: your site... and it's intent to take down *editted*.net
SomeCodes: well have you seen what she have for me?
SomeCodes: and i have nothing on "editted".net
SomeCodes: she have a script about me though
HottWeelz: no, if you need to pursue legal action, you do that. You DO NOT take criminal computer warfare action.
SomeCodes: how was that?
SomeCodes: what did i do to *eddited*.net
HottWeelz: your contest of to spam the crap out of her, cash I believe?
SomeCodes: well did you see the scribute she made of me?
SomeCodes: did you see
SomeCodes: wanna see
SomeCodes: http://www.***editted***.xmgfree.com/sctribute.php
SomeCodes: you tell me thats not the same thing
HottWeelz: Is she offering cash to take you down?
HottWeelz: You go ahead and take legal action out on her, and as her webhost, I'll comply, UNLIKE your webhost. The both of you are going to court now for roughly over $350,000 in damage. Cease and Desist letters are going out to you, Web-Frenzy.com, and FDC Servers.net.
****20 minute pause********
HottWeelz: Ok, I have a business to go "rebuild" should you have the winner to your contest... please ask them to STOP otherwise they will also be in court, if they are from the U.S.
****10 minute pause********
SomeCodes: well i removed it
SomeCodes: and been have removed it
SomeCodes: but its the same thing
SomeCodes: goodbye
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I really think this thread should be locked and deleted.

Primitive Hosting, you have your own forums. It's enough.

This forum "Paid Hosting" is not for Industry Announcements. I feel it's highly inappropriate.

And as for your effected clients, not sure they want all those details you are posting here. My feeling is they don't really care. They just want to know everything is going to be ok.
James said:
I really think this thread should be locked and deleted.

Primitive Hosting, you have your own forums. It's enough.

This forum "Paid Hosting" is not for Industry Announcements. I feel it's highly inappropriate.

And as for your effected clients, not sure they want all those details you are posting here. My feeling is they don't really care. They just want to know everything is going to be ok.

Someone with my own namesake, turning on me? LOL.

You don't need to read this thread. Our forums are not available at this time.
Have you heard of the other major Hosts Outages that has happened throughout the year? Major ones? It's handled here, FWS don't mind, We don't mind, our Users absolutely care!

Would you like the 1000's of emails I receive every day in your inbox? No I don't believe you would. Who are you anyway?
Ok, if you actually need a third party forum to deal with your client support, that's your business. In the past, hosts came to reply to complaints. For the sake of the relation between our names I will not comment any further.
James said:
Ok, if you actually need a third party forum to deal with your client support, that's your business. In the past, hosts came to reply to complaints. For the sake of the relation between our names I will not comment any further.
It's called being "pro-active." Read all you want, leave your comments to yourself, post reported.
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