Well, it isn't a T1, but it is fast. First, you must live in Chelan County (unless there is a new market they've opened that they don't list on the site) since their Woodlands project doesn't seem to be up quite yet. I imagine that your connection will gradually get slower (of course they may continually increase capacity).
Really it is great idea, but extremely limited in scope at this time. They seem to be starting development of their services in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Indonesia, but I'd still like to know how dependable the service is for the purposes of web hosting. If you know of a server connected to this network, please post the URL (I'd like to stick a monitor on it that checks every 15 minutes for a month just out of curiosity).
I'm all for new technology in this area. I had read a lot about Qwest and their plans about laying tons of line across the country that would increase the capacity and, I thought, lower the cost of all this. Costs have been coming down, but I wasn't impressed with my experience with Qwest (only one experience).
Hopefully these guys can do a better job.
[Edited by Chicken on 12-21-2000 at 06:56 PM]