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As recommended by everyone... W3Schhols is the best option to learn HTML. Moreover, you can view the Page Source of many websites and there you can get a bit practical idea of HTML coding.
Another good way to learn is by installing a inspection tool such as Firebug. You can use it to view the way other sites code HTML to get a understanding of how it works in real-environment.
I started my website development career with HomeAndLearn tutorials. They have free tutorials for HTML, PHP etc. and you can use them without any previous knowledge. You should also look for local courses from your area. It's always better if you have a real professional who you can ask from in case you have any questions.
you should read html beginner book. if you want to learn html you have read books and you can learn html online through in this site has given beginner with example and Syntex i think this is a best website for learning html.
Yes, i agree with your idea. I'm a developer, i can build a website based on magento framework in the short time. But i can't design i get it from our designer
If you want to developer i sucget you should visit
designing websites and learning html are two different things. if you want to be a designer, learn to use photoshop and follow with picking up design trends. once you have learned design, then move on to HTML
Steven Peter, the best way to learn HTML if you have no money to invest in it is simply to make yourself accustomed to HTML. View the source of lots of webpages (maybe not google...) and stare blankly at it for hours. Once it all starts to make sense to you then you are ready for the next stage.
Stage two is to blindfold yourself whilst holding a lightsaber and use the force to feel your enemy (errm... not that kind of feel...) so that when your enemy (a mindless puny drone) shoots a harmless laser at you, you can defend against it and utterly destroy the harmless defenceless drone using your lightsaber. Only then will your Jedi training be complete! (or something vaguely resembling this procedure)
W3cschool is the best place for your learn HTML and what's important, it is free! HTML is not difficult, I believe you will learn it well in about 2 months.
I learned mine by trial and error......MANY errors lol. I used to take old websites and then learn where things were altered and basically how things worked from there. Same with css
You can go to W3school which is already mentioned above. I like tutorials as well.
I would also recommend you to not just learning HTML if you are making career as a web developer. You should learn CSS, PHP and java script too.
Person which only designs in the photoshop is not creating anything but image. If this person is not into html/css coding, he is creating picture only. In my opinion not professionaly good.
The best place to learn HTML is There are also many web designing forums you can join and get help from the experience web designers there.
Hi Steven Peter,
w3cschools will be a great teacher. However, I think it will be tough to start from scratch. It will take a lot of time. May we know what type of site it is? If it's that urgent I think you ought to get some service from others.