So i have been IP BANNED.
I wonder why?
You've proved yourself as unreliable.
Basically a bad client.
And putting all that in bold just makes it worse.
So i have been IP BANNED.
Im not the client...
The person who owns the server is Jamie G, im simply a friend.
@ Richard, your comments within this thread have said more than enough about who you really are and who you represent. Yes, Burst did have troubles with their network in the past but you show me one dc that hasn't..What behooves me is how you actually managed to take this topic as a oppurtunity to bash us as you see fit.
I hope though this issue was resolved, and wish both parties the best.
May i just point out, that going through many a thread on this site all i can see is you always sticking your nose in, what do you do, sit on your computer all day waiting for a negative thread to pop up?
It would seem that there are some issues, ok Diri did shout his mouth a bit but it's understandable to be honest, i've been on these forum's for some time now and recently it's just become a bashing mine field.
Seems that there may be an issue with our server that's if the access has been restored at all, if not we im sure it will get sorted!
Who the hell do you think you are
I have to agree there.There's a good quote for GeekRack's home page, you shouldn't make such comments when you are representing someone else unless such comments truely does reflect the kind of company that you are representing. I can see your fraustration know.
We can leave it open if only clients and maybe one GR representative contribute. Anyone not affected can go find another thread to post on.Maybe its time to close this thread? Though people will just find another thread to bash each other in. Funny thing is that's what keeps FWS alive.
Thought I'd just register to do some GEEK RACK representation.
I'm glad that I could help, after working closely with the Bank Of America and BURST, this conclusion was met and I'm glad that I could help!
With Thanks
Or was it because there are too many GR representatives?
i have no cluse who that Jason is, or why he was b&. we have one Jason, and that was not him. he is on the forums here (JasonS), and that is not him. i think it was someone pretending. maybe one of the mods can PM me with who he was.Wow, that's strange? ANyone mind giving us an insight into why he was instantly banned? Or was it because there are too many GR representatives?