Yes, actually Richard we sure do, this is just our main site that is out at this time and not our main shared server.
What gets me is if 1 particular website on a server with say 100 other sites is doing naughty stuff, the whole server gets taken offline? Correct me if I am wrong but that's how I am reading it.
I would be seriously moving to another DC to be honest.
but people like geekrack still resell from them. I can assume only for money? As they dont have their clients best interests at heart. :S
What gets me is if 1 particular website on a server with say 100 other sites is doing naughty stuff, the whole server gets taken offline? Correct me if I am wrong but that's how I am reading it.
I would be seriously moving to another DC to be honest.
Hi Dan, this is actually standard business practice. Some DC's dont allow you time at all to resolve the issue prior to it being removed from the network. Some remove it immediately and ask questions later. It just depends on what datacenter you are working with.
@ Richard, your comments within this thread have said more than enough about who you really are and who you represent. Yes, Burst did have troubles with their network in the past but you show me one dc that hasn't..What behooves me is how you actually managed to take this topic as a oppurtunity to bash us as you see fit.
First you started off with the backup server, when the same could be asked of Galaxy when your shared server was down for how many hours was it again?
Then you go ahead and take a swipe at the DC that we use, when we all can do a bit of digging and remember your escapade with SaidCom right?
Burst has done nothing short of amazing to us, our relationship is growing and will continue to grow in the future.
Get used to seeing us around Richard. Despite your snide comments, and superior god complex, Geek Rack is here to stay
*** We depend on our clients' assistance in these matters. Please note
that failure to respond to this notice, within 24 hours, may lead to a
$50.00 reactivation fee being charged to your account.
(9:41 AM) ? J?M?? G???: Sheq?
(9:54 AM) ? J?M?? G???: I got another phishing thing AGAIN
(9:54 AM) ? J?M?? G???: i am removing the whole account
(9:54 AM) ? J?M?? G???: ok?
Ok guys believe it or not this is what is at the bottom of there little e-mail that never comes to my e-mail box. Strange i use my Yahoo E-mail so not on my part.
Anyway here is what it says
Code:*** We depend on our clients' assistance in these matters. Please note that failure to respond to this notice, within 24 hours, may lead to a $50.00 reactivation fee being charged to your account.
Ok now i would like to point out this part Please note that failure to respond to this notice Now i told her on MSN Messenger the following.
Code:(9:41 AM) ? J?M?? G???: Sheq? (9:54 AM) ? J?M?? G???: I got another phishing thing AGAIN (9:54 AM) ? J?M?? G???: i am removing the whole account (9:54 AM) ? J?M?? G???: ok?
This was me responding as soon as i received noticed the e-mail which i happened to notice in the WHMCS. So i did reply. and correct me if i am wrong here but it states if i do not respond but i did.
Now she is saying that we had to many reports, We did remove the account you guys may know him he deals with the site, Well it was this guy which information was passed onto Paypal.
Also i took the liberty to screenshot there TOS 3 days before just in case she decided to change it.
I did know about the charges but she weaved them when i told her that i had deleted the account which is strange. Then i told her that the whole acount was removed and she is suspending it again. says: is where all payments are sent through
'- Diri says:
and what how long will this take.
'- Diri says:
to get back up says:
A few minutes actually
இ · i ¦ [ Ħ Tιι Đ JΛ Mι ιΣ G Ħ Tιι Đ ] ¦ i · says:
'- Diri says:
'- Diri says:
so u have control to put it online
'- Diri says:
.. ? says:
I sure do
'- Diri says:
Another thing, you never had this on your TOS, you agee with that yes? The fact that we had to pay $50 if the server/account was being reported . . . this was never mentioned in any part of your TOS at the time of when you took the server offline. says:
Correct, its not in the TOS however all of you where advised of the fee the first time the server was pulled offline says:
So you as well as Jaime knew about the fee
'- Diri says:
Indeed we were, but then i would have though you would have taken the time to add it into your TOS The first place, so we wouldnt have to have an argument, and pay you straight away..
'- Diri says:
'- Diri says:
Therefor, we are not in the wrong though are we? says:
No actually it will be implemented this weekend when our designer changes the site information says:
Yes you are says:
You are making a argument that holds no water at all says:
You knew about the fee and knew that it would be assesed if the server was suspended. We waived it the first time. But im sorry i cant and will not waive it this time.
இ · i ¦ [ Ħ Tιι Đ JΛ Mι ιΣ G Ħ Tιι Đ ] ¦ i · says:
Ok.. subject?
'- Diri says:
Its not that hard to go and edit a html file, Even though, as some of hte others have mentioned on the forum, YOU Should have had this implmented into your TERMS OF SERVICE. Even if you had told us the first time, any normal host would have edited their TOS to stop an incident like this occuring again.
'- Diri says:
When sending the money, make sure u get a reciept says:
Server Restore and the server hostname
இ · i ¦ [ Ħ Tιι Đ JΛ Mι ιΣ G Ħ Tιι Đ ] ¦ i · says:
இ · i ¦ [ Ħ Tιι Đ JΛ Mι ιΣ G Ħ Tιι Đ ] ¦ i · says:
put it back online.
இ · i ¦ [ Ħ Tιι Đ JΛ Mι ιΣ G Ħ Tιι Đ ] ¦ i · says:
இ · i ¦ [ Ħ Tιι Đ JΛ Mι ιΣ G Ħ Tιι Đ ] ¦ i · says:
now come on tell me how we are supposed to contact you in the "FUTURE"
இ · i ¦ [ Ħ Tιι Đ JΛ Mι ιΣ G Ħ Tιι Đ ] ¦ i · says:
you have no abuse e-mail
இ · i ¦ [ Ħ Tιι Đ JΛ Mι ιΣ G Ħ Tιι Đ ] ¦ i · says:
and you dont call or open a support ticket.
You have just sent a nudge.
'- Diri says:
Hello, oh dont tell me you are not going to reply after we send the money.. says:
You arent the only client that i am assisting at this point, once notifcation is recieved ill place the server back online.
இ · i ¦ [ Ħ Tιι Đ JΛ Mι ιΣ G Ħ Tιι Đ ] ¦ i · says:
what :S
இ · i ¦ [ Ħ Tιι Đ JΛ Mι ιΣ G Ħ Tιι Đ ] ¦ i · says:
the payment was sent
இ · i ¦ [ Ħ Tιι Đ JΛ Mι ιΣ G Ħ Tιι Đ ] ¦ i · says:
You have sent $50.00 USD to An email has been sent to the recipient.
'- Diri says:
No you said it will take a few minutes.. seeing as we have paid you, its only fair to PUT US FIRST and sort it out asap.
So we send the money and then what we get no reply and she puts some other client in front? After we ----ing pay. Thanks ALOT.