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managed wordpress hosting

forum or ads


New Member

I am soon gonna launch a free webhosting company. I am interested to know which option is better. Forum posting or ads based hosting.

What your experience says which type is the best ?

In my opinion Ads Are better , Clients hate having to post and would prefer some small ads than having to post per month ect , Also you can generate revenue from ads whereas forums wont help with your budget

I would happily give you more tips , Do you have msn messenger ?
We use forum but alot of users don't like ads. Well you can say that about forums as well. I think ads but not forced just give them the code and some guidelines. Would be hard to manage tho.
Are you trying to make money off it?

My definition of the two;
Forum posting keeps away people who won't be an active part of a community and I suppose keep away those who just want the space for illegal activities. Think of it as a way of validating people. It also is for those who just really want an active forum but don't want to go through the normal means on getting members. Forums won't make you money

Ads are for revenue and to pay for the service.
Im not trying to chat you up lol

Don't lie! :D

To the OP:

Many free hosting providers prefer to use revenue generating advertisements such as Google Adsense. However, you need to be extra strict with your clients and making sure they are not placing their own ads in place of yours. The best way to combat this problem I found when doing free hosting myself, was to use a script such as PhpAds rotation programe. Although it's not the best of them, it's free and does the job.

Other providers prefer the Post-to-Host system. That can be hard to do though but if you have a forum system like vBulletin it can be a lot easier with many excellent Mods and Hacks that can prevent spam posts (the poster will not be able to post anything under a certain amount of characters).

Just a tip ;)

Best of luck.
thanks boys, really nice of you for all the tips. I think i ll go for ads based, will try phpads but not sure if google ads are supported.

Hay it seems i am the only lady around here. is that so ???
what about ma question on phpads, will it work with google ads too ?

It will of course. Just place in the ad code to the script a few times with different colors etc it'll be nice. Be careful though when using google's adsene because they don't like being placed in a script with other ads from different PPC companies like Revenue Pilot etc.
I've run both, and you'll soon find that people will stop posting, and eventually find ad supported.

I started ad supported, and don't have anything to worry about, other than making sure the ads are placed.

- Lucas
Thanks boys

Sorry jordano, u can give ma tips here. Better luck next time for my msn id :p

Have fun
Poor jordano :(

I would go with AD's they are the only real way to get a ok return
Then you can offer a AD free package for 2$ p/m or something
I think theres been a few points missed out on this topic!!

Ad supported free hosting is all fine & dandy until your ad publisher gives you the foot up the backside and terminates your account.

illegal click throughs will happen theres no doupt about that, The user may simply think he/she is helping you out or visa versa wants to get rid of the ads on their sites...

You gotta think things through first if your planning ad supported..

Bidvertiser is not an option for ad supported as they check domains plus you have to ad each domain, sub-domain is usually not a problem.

Google Adsense have very strict TOS, They booted me.. :confused4

Post 2 Host

As some-one mentioned earlier in this thread, you have the chance to check who you are gonna host in a post to host enviroment.

And its a better way of poaching them of their free hosting onto paid hosting, Most ad supported host never get the people they host on their sites unless something goes wrong.

More importantly your not gonna make money from free hosting, 80% of the time you wont cover the cost of the server.
You do it because you want to!!!
try telling that to tripod :D LOL
You could make alot of money but you arnt going to make it being one of the hosts here.
I am providing post-to-host service.I have been in this bussiness for about 1 month.I havn't got much clients yet.But I think people prefer ads free hosting,rather they have to post or pay to buy a hosting.I am not much experienced in this..So,I may be wrong.But when I was searching for hosting I used to prefer ads free hosting for anything.
Or you could always try my route and do neither and just pay the bills and hate yourself every month

[I do not endorse doing this - bad idea ;)]