RIckie as you know I have been trying my level best to ascertain the exact details
of what has happened. Having obtained them from two points of view, I will summarise here:
As aside notes:
In February Decker is notified of the move, we set up vps on other node and allow him to run both until
end of billing cycle out of courtesy.By the end of that cycle, and indeed another cycle
later, he has yet to move, therefore costing us $72 in fees waived for the new product.
While it is true that on the 30th of March the cpanel lisence was canceled, the client (Decker or his associates) failed
to inform ourselves or the dc of this in any way. While this is not ideal (and is not a complete excuse),
it is the reply we recieved from the dc when we attempted to fight Decker's corner.
Decker attempts to complete the move to the new vps (through an employee) in early april, however is
unable to do so because cpanel has disappeared. However even at that point we were not
alerted of the problem. (I fully understand that the admin may not have been able to contact us
and that decker was away, so that one was no-ones fault really.)
Decker then returns the day after his invoice for the vps in nynoc is due. He pays
the full amount on the 8th of april (The second day since contract anniversairy).
He also submits a ticket regarding the absence of his vps on the afternoon of the 8th.
However, owing to the fact that it was never agreed that the next months fees (3rd set) for the
OTHER vps (the one he would be moving to) would be waived. Shequeita was forced to reply
to the open ticket, enquiring where the funds from the invoice should be allocated (having
assumed he would not make us wait another month with an idling vps it was only sensible to ask)
Although he then replied the next day clarifying where the money should be sent to, he then also
filed a PP dispute. As is standard practice, stephen (COO) advised him that he would wait for
Shequeita to return to deal with the PP dispute ( However he did investigate and inform Decker as
to the probable status of the vps).
Since the PP dispute was not resolved, all transactions relating to that account were not
unfrozen, and as a result (as per the nynoc policy). Decker's vps was terminated on the 13th of
April. Neither GR nor nynoc is in violation of their TOS in this instance.
While I feel for you here Rick, having reviewed the facts, I can't honestly say that Geekrack is guilty of more
than somewhat poor communication. It appears that both parties are at fault here and neither may be blamed.
Frustratingly I took the bit between my teeth only on the 14th of april, at which point it was too late.
I reckon your best bet is to hound the nynoc (I'll happily be the go-between, representing geekrack) on grounds
that non-payment was justified in light of not providing cpanel for the full length of the month. I have to
say your chances aren't great as thenynoc are tricky at the best of times, but Its worth a shot.
Im just personally sorry I couldn't do more mate,
I hope you can admit that geekrack has now shown that it has
done its reasonable duties in this instance - and that we can draw this thread to a close. However do get in touch
with me via gtalk if you want to have a look at that other option or talk through this further.
P.S. I have all relevant logs, tickets, reciepts, invoices and verifications etc .... available to me. In the interest of a
post of sensible length, I have excluded them. If you have a justified interest please do Pm me and I will make as much as
appropriate available to you.
RIckie as you know I have been trying my level best to ascertain the exact details
of what has happened. Having obtained them from two points of view, I will summarise here:
As aside notes:
In February Decker is notified of the move, we set up vps on other node and allow him to run both until
end of billing cycle out of courtesy.By the end of that cycle, and indeed another cycle
later, he has yet to move, therefore costing us $72 in fees waived for the new product.
While it is true that on the 30th of March the cpanel lisence was canceled, the client (Decker or his associates) failed
to inform ourselves or the dc of this in any way. While this is not ideal (and is not a complete excuse),
it is the reply we recieved from the dc when we attempted to fight Decker's corner.
Decker attempts to complete the move to the new vps (through an employee) in early april, however is
unable to do so because cpanel has disappeared. However even at that point we were not
alerted of the problem. (I fully understand that the admin may not have been able to contact us
and that decker was away, so that one was no-ones fault really.)
Decker then returns the day after his invoice for the vps in nynoc is due. He pays
the full amount on the 8th of april (The second day since contract anniversairy).
He also submits a ticket regarding the absence of his vps on the afternoon of the 8th.
However, owing to the fact that it was never agreed that the next months fees (3rd set) for the
OTHER vps (the one he would be moving to) would be waived. Shequeita was forced to reply
to the open ticket, enquiring where the funds from the invoice should be allocated (having
assumed he would not make us wait another month with an idling vps it was only sensible to ask)
Although he then replied the next day clarifying where the money should be sent to, he then also
filed a PP dispute. As is standard practice, stephen (COO) advised him that he would wait for
Shequeita to return to deal with the PP dispute ( However he did investigate and inform Decker as
to the probable status of the vps).
Since the PP dispute was not resolved, all transactions relating to that account were not
unfrozen, and as a result (as per the nynoc policy). Decker's vps was terminated on the 13th of
April. Neither GR nor nynoc is in violation of their TOS in this instance.
While I feel for you here Rick, having reviewed the facts, I can't honestly say that Geekrack is guilty of more
than somewhat poor communication. It appears that both parties are at fault here and neither may be blamed.
Frustratingly I took the bit between my teeth only on the 14th of april, at which point it was too late.
I reckon your best bet is to hound the nynoc (I'll happily be the go-between, representing geekrack) on grounds
that non-payment was justified in light of not providing cpanel for the full length of the month. I have to
say your chances aren't great as thenynoc are tricky at the best of times, but Its worth a shot.
Im just personally sorry I couldn't do more mate,
done its reasonable duties in this instance - and that we can draw this thread to a close. However do get in touch
with me via gtalk if you want to have a look at that other option or talk through this further.
P.S. I have all relevant logs, tickets, reciepts, invoices and verifications etc .... available to me. In the interest of a
post of sensible length, I have excluded them. If you have a justified interest please do Pm me and I will make as much as
appropriate available to you.