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Support options are available 24/7 but, there is no word on response times. Some of the better webhosting providers have the following:
Support is available 24 hours per day 7 days per week with a response guaranteed within 15 minutes from one of our support team members and resolution of the issue as soon as possible.
Beyond that you won't fine a better promise of support.
My service falls into the 24/7 support access with response time within 12 - 24 hours depending on the issue. I believe that is fine in the vast majority of cases provided the servers are monitored 24/7.
good call. I think I will end up rewording our support page as well to accomidate those changes. We do actually have a 30 min response "guarantee" so might as well use it the an advantage
Another thing "Guarantee" sorry for being off topic. What happens if you break this Guarantee I have seen some host "not saying yours" that have said this and I think would I ever get my money back.
What do you also see about this?
Thanks for the people that have posted to my thread
This should be covered in detail in the host's Terms of Service. If it isn't and they aren't in your legal jurisdiction then it is essentially a worthless statement as there isn't anything you can do if they don't do as they say they will.