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managed wordpress hosting

YourName.com 100% free hosting

which traffic? :)
anyway your forum will not need mor than 50 mb, at this time you need only to order and you can give us mor info in your order.
if you have Featur Q. please let us Know
i had hostgool as a free site for my buddies buisness. Unfortanetly they put google adds on the site without letting me know and he started to losse buisness. This is why i got a server of my own.

Be Careful of hostgool they do not offer what they say
Thank's for april fool
if you have this huge mony for dedicated atleast should get a paid hosting! :wink2:

we do not put adds on the site without letting me know!, we send information to your e-mail and do not mange your site or force ads.

Good luck in you dedicated :)
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we accept (.com .net .org .biz .co.uk .us .ca) and all real domains.
free domains can not be accepted

we can accept domains that already have a high traffic about 100 visitor/day or higher :)
madboy1862 said:
is it free? cuz it dont say free.

how much bw and space? cuz i need about 1gb space and 8gb transfer.
Oh, 1gb space and 8gb transfer :confused4

1-how many vistor/day do you have?
2-is it a new domain or you changing your hosting?
if you have awstats screen shot it will be great
1- none now cuz my host is gone, but on average 20-30 unique a day and nearly 225,000 total hits. 880 unique visiters so far.

2- it would be changing hosting.

this is all since february.
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madboy1862 said:
1- none now cuz my host is gone, but on average 20-30 unique a day and nearly 225,000 total hits. 880 unique visiters so far.

2- it would be changing hosting.

this is all since february.
20 unique/day ONLY with this huge hits!
you looks like you are running a forum
accourding to your stat we can give you 150 mb, if this will be ok you can order, if you have mor Q. please let us know
Okay, I'm a little puzzled, but all I have to do is to fill the form with the required details in the form and select premium, right?