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managed wordpress hosting

Wtb > Vps


New Member
I'm looking for VPS for my chat rooms ( http://prochatrooms.com/ )

By fully managed,i mean i only need to upload the script via FTP and my site is ready to run.

Question for seller
What is your server spec?
What is your uptime?
30 day money back guaranteed?
How many concurrent user can have at the chat room at each particular time?

A php enabled server with 1 MySQL database.
PHP 4.1.0 or above (supports PHP4 & PHP5)
MySQL 3.22.32 or above

Space 5GB + -
Bandwidth 200GB + -
My max budget is $9

By fully managed,i mean i only need to upload the script via FTP and my site is ready to run.
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It'll be hard to find a VPS for $9, I'd suggest raising your budget by $3-5.

$9 is max
that why i put
Space 5GB + -
Bandwidth 200GB + -
+ - which mean i can tolerance with the + - of the specific require space and bandwidth
It'll be hard to find a VPS for $9, I'd suggest raising your budget by $3-5.

You might get $9 for a small unmanaged VPS (i know www.vpslink.com has a small unmanaged plan) but if you want managed as well thats going to add to the cost...

You would do better to go for a higher end shared hosting plan as you will get more bang for your buck. If you contact some providers before hand its likely they will allow your chat rooms on a shared plan. I know we could easily host the chat room on our shared plans, but i'm sure other providers could also do so. If you are interested in using one of our shared plans to host your chat rooms I am willing to post an offer up, but as you have asked specifically for a VPS I don't want to offer something you don't want.
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