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Which is better Windows Or Linux

jenny said:
I prefer Windows for its user friendliness and customization features.

User friendliness is what makes most people unaware that there is a world outside of that 'Window'. Customization is something Windows is not. At all.

What it comes down to is Linux is not ready for mass desktop use because you still need to know something about it to get things working (beyond the default desktop install). Windows, you don't need to know ----.

But, I would hate to trust Windows with a mission critical service for my company. I like the simplicity and stability of a Linux box for anything important.
I like Windows.. because nearly all programs and games work on it, and nothing works on linux..
for home pc i prefer windows. as everything works for it without any hassel.

But my servers are a different matter, only ever have linux on them
For desktop I'd say windows, but TBH I can't really say much.

I've only tried Ubuntu live CD for less than an hour, then got frustrated when the screen resolution was bollocks (wouldn't fit on screen) and I couldn't connect to the internet.

I've only ever properly used a Mac on OS 8.1, which is far from today's OSX.

I still want a mac. Maybe I'll get one next year.

But for servers, I'll have to agree on linux. But linux can't do remote desktopping - which is extremely cool. But it's not essential to a server.

I've never tried Mac Servers so can't comment on that.
It really depends on what you want to do with it, if its for a home pc than you may have to look for wine if you want to use any type of windows application. For server use it is Linux all the way for that. Windows can be more secure than any other OS, with internet security systems and just plain knowledge of where not to go.
T.M. said:
But for servers, I'll have to agree on linux. But linux can't do remote desktopping - which is extremely cool. But it's not essential to a server.

You certainly can do 'remote desktop'...in tens of popular ways.