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when i make changes to mx records...


New Member
i hv a domain name and my webhost offers pop and web based mail. but i do not like their interface and want to change to another email provider (like everyone.net or bn3.com).

some providers only hv web based email so if i change my domain's mx records to use their service, will i lose the pop service originally provided by my webhost?

thanks in adv!
Well, it will still be there, and you *can* use it, however you won't be able to access it as you normally would have. You may be able to use your POP accounts via the server name...

Example if you had chicken@domain.com, you may be able to access the account via chicken@the.server.name or also via the IP address of the server or site. You can also forward mail to your POP account, as described earlier in this paragraph to retain POP use.

Overall, somewhat ugly, and I think the short answer to your question is yes, you will lose it, the long answer is that it actually is possible to access email via POP that was sent to a web based service like everyone.net (aside from using any POP services everyone.net may offer).
Originally posted by nemex

some providers only hv web based email so if i change my domain's mx records to use their service, will i lose the pop service originally provided by my webhost?
Everyone.net provides Web Mail and/or POP services. :)
Re: Re: when i make changes to mx records...

Originally posted by Chicken
This is true, though I think his question was...
Sorry, I was mesmorized by Chicken and lost sight of the objective... :)

Chicken is right. Store and forward is the easiest solution if your web mail provider supports it.