My Nightmare!!!
Am I Dreaming Or What!!!!????
No its true dear derek... You should know that YOUR NIGHTMARE HAS COME TRUE ALAST! :lol:
My Nightmare!!!
Am I Dreaming Or What!!!!????
No its true dear derek... You should know that YOUR NIGHTMARE HAS COME TRUE ALAST! :lol:
Move out at age 18 - CHECK
Buy a convertible - CHECK
Get married - CHECK
Buy a house - CHECK
Get a degree - CHECK
Get to middle management - CHECK
Have kids - CHECK CHECK
Buy a car for the wife - CHECK
Buy a third vehicle for myself - CHECK
I can't really think of anything else that I want/need right now. A better paying job would be nice, but that's about it.
Wow ! Dude all the items in your list are checked !
I haven't even made such a list till now .
Good for you !