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piccilo >> I noticed your thread about the elections was gone...I must have missed something because it was here once, then when I came back it was gone.....
Nah, if Peo removed it and I allow it again...he may remove my mod status...LOL...but I do like political and religious debates, so you wouldnt see me removing those (-:
Was there a bunch of cussing or something? I wonder why it would be removed.
I wish there was a place to post about that kinds of topics. Hmm i wonder who could make that happen........
Anyways, I dont know if you would call it a bunch be there was some cursing, probably mostly by me. I guess I was soo mad that bush was winning and all. Also I was replying to almost every post so that could of made a diffence. Dunno, at least I wasnt banned or something.