Josh D,
I think it's quite enough from you. Geekrack never meant harm on anybody and the past issue he had with with is private and you do not have the full story or the full turn of events from both perspectives.
If you think it's acceptable for you to now start denouncing somebody for their spelling (actually he bought the domain with the correct spelling, so he sure knows how to spell the word), you are quite wrong.
You Josh for one will remember the thread from quite some time ago, where you ripped our website design. You aren't any better. Yes it's crappy how the past follows you isn't it now?
Hey James,
I was not in any means trying to denounce anyone for there spelling, but making it clear, that it seems to have been a scare from both sides. I do have the story from Galaxy (Patrick) who messaged me as requested regarding this.. I am not sure what I can say, but if an ISP terminated the client then the story in fact must be true.
In regards to him ordering it, it was him it was the CEO for GeekRack (different person, according to the owner on msn) so that is why I mentioned this, in regards to other claims. I do apologize I don't mean it to be rude, but in-turn an learning experience... With issues like this you are required to have the information planned before coming to an community looking for support.. Else this happens.. Again my apologizes if it was in any way hurtful.
In regards to stealing an design, I believe if this is what I think its about, was made perfectly clear at the time, that it was not in-fact myself but an designer, and the site was removed within minutes of the notification on my end and the designer fired. So I cannot comment much on that, without going back in and looking at it, feel free to pm me the link or some details and I will revisit that issue.
Again my post was not meant to be denouncing, but in fact just the straight facts, to help the OP realize that he will need alot more planning before he can visit a topic like this... The part of the past, was in regards to how people were referring to him etc.. I did not say I was perfect, no one ever is.. I know how it feels to have an past event effect your business.. That doesn't mean you don't keep going for it.. but you look for another way to be professional and offer the service you want to offer.. His plans were not the best IMO for that.