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managed wordpress hosting

Warning: do NOT get hosted by Gabbix Solutions!

Sorry that happened, it seems that for some reason hosts just don't provide back ups. I don't know why, as a host I know that it would take our staff like less than 5 mins to make a back up and email it to the user. Even if the server is shut down, the host should really think about these things in advance.

Just doesn't make sense to me. Good luck in the future!
cronic5 said:

Want to know why it was shut down permentally. Because they never paid there bills..

All I am going to say.


NetCafe said:

I can never get my clients to post in forums about me :p

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eRudNet said:
Want to know why it was shut down permentally. Because they never paid there bills..

The host said it was their decision to take the server down. The least they could have done was tell me to make a backup or make one for me.
Cronic, if your looking for webhosting please contact me via pm and we can talk about hosting your site for you at our around the same price for the same space and transfer.
"The host said it was their decision to take the server down. The least they could have done was tell me to make a backup or make one for me."

Any reasonable reason given?
They never gave me a reason to why it was down. If they had, I probably wouldn't have been so mad.

raydihosting: They have several servers, that was just one server that was taken down. Their site was never down, only the few sites hosted on the one server.
If you are not paying for a specific backup service I do think it is your responsibility to make sure you have a backup of your website at all times.
Even if you are paying for a backup service I would still keep another copy for safe keeping.

A hosts job is to keep your site online, while they failed at this task it is still not there fault you don't keep a backup of your files.

You should be prepared for things like this to happen, a harddisk could fail or a building could burn down, anything can happen so don't rely on someone else to protect your files.

Anyway. Have you tried contacting them after all this to see if you could get some kind of a refund or possibly compensation for downtime?
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I think you forgot to mention something which is very important.

The service you were getting was not from Gabbix Solutions itself, it was from littlbuger.info, which we took over for some time. Also you are not telling the others the service you had was a FREE SERVICE.

It was our decision to shut the server down, and the reasons were kept to our own discresion.

It was never Gabbix Solutions' goal to offer free services. Littlbuger.info did offer such services, but once we took it over, it was COMPLETELY up to us whether to shutdown the server or not.