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Cheap Bastard

New Member
how come, that the vBulletin on http://www.webhostingtalk.com has a totally different view than this one (yea, i know layout), but i'm talking about the icons and stuff...

The icons aren't supposed to be different, are they?

BTW, vBulletin is PHP, not CGI, right?

So what's the big advantage of PHP over CGI?
You can replace the images with your own, change the colors, etc. etc. etc.

yea, vBulletin is PHP... I don't know PHP so correct me if I'm wrong (and I probably am).. but PHP is a lot faster than Perl (CGI) because its built into Apache or some hoohaw. Where Perl would have to start and stop to run a script, PHP is constantly running. I probably murdered the correct description, lol

Basically though, PHP is a lot faster than Perl.

To Compare, lets say, Ultimate Bulletin Board vs. vBulletin...

vBulletin uses less resources than UBB.

UBB really kills the resources...
and vBulletin uses more RAM than CPU resources.

vBulletin is more server friendly compared to UBB.

Plus, you can customize vBulletin a heck of a lot easier than UBB (you have to edit the code in just about every cgi file - very tedious (I can't spell today, pardon me). Because vBulletin's layout used templates. You can customize vBulletin anyway you want.

Free WebSpace's Bulletin Board
to say
Site Points - http://www.sitepointforums.com
and http://www.webhostingtalk.com/

I'm a pround owner of 2 vBulletin licenses as well as 1 UBB license. I know both scripts very well... And I'd take vBulletin over UBB anyday.... :)

so i'm wasting my time learning perl/cgi and should be learning php?

Hmmm... Anyone have a good site to learn it from? (i didn't find any php books in the store...)
If you're interested in PHP books....

check out:

its a book club...
3 Books for $1.99 Each and Get One Free

I used them... its better than buying them at full price at a book store....

I learned PHP by example... aka going to hotscripts.com and downloading scripts, installing them, and looking at them line by line in a text editor... :)

Check out the link, though... Its worth it!
I'd like to note a few things: php does not have to be faster than perl is, I'm not sure if it is but it wouldn't differ much, at least not when using mod_perl they ought to be same as fast. Second, comparing ubb and vBulletin is no comparison. Since UBB is very badly coded and uses Flat Text DB (just textfiles on the server) and vBulletin uses a MySQL database which is MUCH faster. It's like comparing cows with chickens :)
true, true...
but the fact IS that UBB is badly coded then... So i think rockergrrl was merely mentioning that one is a cow and the other is a chicken, not really comparing them...

Besides, what'd you rather have... 3gallons of milk everyday or one egg everyday... hmm?
No I really wasn't comparing them as if they were the same thing...

I was merely "comparing" them for the advantage stand point.

UBB is horribly coded! I could code a bulletin board script of better quality... But I don't want to spend my days sitting in front of my computer messing with a text editor... Nothing would get done and my son would get into everything - more so. :)

But comparing when I had UBB on my server and to what I have now with vBulletin... vBulletin is much more server friendly - at least on my server. mySQL is a godsend when it comes to relaying stuff faster. Sometimes with UBB I had to sit there for a couple minutes while the script searched for something.... While in vBulletin... it only takes like 5 seconds to pull something up using the search.

But for me, personally, vBulletin turned my site around 360 degrees. More people visited...stayed longer...and the members that hadn't had any activity since they signed up... Came back alive from the dead...

UBB was slow on my server and drained my resources to bits... vBulletin didn't drain my resources as much... but on the other hand, I had to get more RAM installed on my server because he likes to eat that.

I'm done rattling now... :)

Originally posted by Cheap Bastard
Besides, what'd you rather have... 3gallons of milk everyday or one egg everyday... hmm?

I dunno, I don't think I could drink 3 gallons of milk in one day.. and well, you need 2 eggs for a hearty breakfast, and that is 2 eggs that i would not get, for 2 eggs, not 1 egg is what i need, and now I shall go to the supermarket to purchase more eggs so I can have 2 eggs for my breakfast, for I am.. MOOOOOJO JOJO!

... i watch too much TV.
well the point is 3gallons is plenty. You could trade say 2.5gallons of milk everyday for all sorts of other stuff, (like say, 2eggs and some lunch). But with one egg... well that's just... one egg...

See what i mean?