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vB3 Gold


Well-Known Member
Coming in a few hours... www.vbulletin.com is down for now for site upgrades... Peo, get your refresh key ready... grab it before anyone else before all the crappy lags settle in...
What's all the hurry? = =

vb2 has worked to this day, and it will continue working after the release of vb3.
After all this talk, I would have expected for you to know by now that Peo will not being upgrading to vB3 immediatly. Let's wait a few days/weeks before upgrading to make sure all final bugs have been fixed.

With a forum of this magnitude, upgrading it isn't as easy as a push of a button.

I would expect Peo, Todd and the Mods to get together and work out a plan on HOW and WHEN the upgrade will take place. What necessary backups will happen, how long they estimae the upgrade will take, any downtime they predict, and how they will handle problems should the upgrade not go as well.

FWS is the LAST place you want to use as a guinea pig for vBulletin's newly released forum software.
Seriously trenz, you care WAY too much about the new vBulletin...it's not healthy.

Plus, Robert is right. What if this upgrade is a flop? That would really ---- things up around here, wouldn't it? What would you do then? Spend more time at WHT? (That, btw, should be the FIRST Guinea Pig for the upgrade...:D)

We all know how I feel about this "need" to upgrade anyway, so I'll stop talking now.
I am really sick of this.
Peo has made it VERY clear more than once that he will upgrade when there is a stable release of vB3, so until then leave him the hell alone.
10 hours now. Site still down. Sigh.

Call me crazy or something but I dreamt of the new images in vb3 yesterday night
It's released now. :cow2:

One of the features that vB3 has, and I wish the forums here had is that in the post reply notification email, it sends you a copy of the post.

Very handy, I hope fws.net upgrades :)
Originally posted by notnamed
Get. Off. The. Computer. Now. Go read a book or something.
Doing my homework now. Regarding a book called 'The Outsiders'. Yeah I was the first one to announce that vB3 was released. :p
Originally posted by trenzterra
Doing my homework now. Regarding a book called 'The Outsiders'. Yeah I was the first one to announce that vB3 was released. :p
That was a pretty decent book, as far as grade-school reading goes. :)
I think I read that book. Is it about a bunch of brothers that live in a house, and they smoke a lot..? Or am I way off? :D
Originally posted by Chroder
I think I read that book. Is it about a bunch of brothers that live in a house, and they smoke a lot..? Or am I way off? :D
It's about a gang of greasers .. if I remember. i may have confused the title with another one though.
Originally posted by jmiller
It's about a gang of greasers .. if I remember. i may have confused the title with another one though.
Yeah, then those Socs and stuff and Johnny got killed. By SE Hinton.
I think I took that one out of my middle school library in the seventh grade. Not a bad book, if I remember correctly.