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Today, iPhone users rejoice!

Today I rejoice because it's finally lost its o2 exclusivity in the UK.

Bring on Vodafone.
Good for me really. Turn 18 next year so I'm getting my contract up and running. Hopefully an iPhone or a Pre.
Sadly I'd never use this as the crazy Australian telcos have annoyingly low transfer caps for mobile plans :(

I'm currently paying $49/mo for $300 worth of calls and texts and only 250mb of data... I suppose it's better than paying to *receive* calls and texts...
What do you mean by "$49/month for $300 worth of calls and texts and only 250 mb of data"?

You're getting $300 worth of calls, etc. for $49/month?
What do you mean by "$49/month for $300 worth of calls and texts and only 250 mb of data"?

You're getting $300 worth of calls, etc. for $49/month?

Under my operator's rates I can use $300 of services, when the $300 limit is reached they charge you for what you use...

I believe I'm paying 31c flagfall, 37c/30secs, 22.7c to send SMS, Int'l SMS 45c and 45.4c for MMS. I suppose the best part is that I don't get charged to receive calls/texts...