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To those using goClick's Popunders


New Member

For the past half of 2001, I've been with goClick, enthusiastically building up a system which directly supports goClick. Because they've proven themselves reliable and reputable, I have voluntarily given them Advertising opportunities for which I receive no gain(other than their 0.02 CPC, which is to say, nothing). These actions, however, raise my overall CTR rate to a quite stellar performance level, if I do say so myself. :D With a consistent CTR ranging from 0.7% to 0.9%, I have to say CTRs like this just don't come along everyday for an Advertiser that uses only a single popup, with no variation.

The reason for giving them the free clicks was to protect against their clause regarding cutting pay rates depending on performance of advertising. Now, granted, in the beginning I had pathetic CTRs. It took a month or two to get down a system which began raising the CTR to these levels. When I was achieving above-industry standard levels, I thought I'd be safe from their rate cuts.

I was wrong. Even though I still advertise with them, the cut was a 50% slash in revenues. And, I still give them the same advertising opportunities as before, maintaining the CTR levels from the pay rate from before, to this new cut.

Why would they cut my pay rate? Did they chop across the board? I know another colleague--incidentally, who didn't try anything to raise the CTR--had their rate cut many months ago. Has anyone else been chopped from their standard, pay rate?

I never received notification before or after the cut, so I'm quite mystified.

Oh well, just another one of the many immaturity problems of online advertising.

I still would like to know how other's experiences have been with goClick.

They seem to cut payrates often :(

I had my searchbox payrate cut from 2 cents, to a 10th of a cent! When I enquired why, they claimed they do not want gaming sites at all anymore.

I would be VERY CAREFUL with goclick because when they change rates, it can be retroactive. So if you made $300 dollars, then they changed your rate it could go down to $50 :(

They are a reliable company pay wise, and a decent solution for advertising - however unless you have very productive visitors I would at least be cautious with the goclick programs.