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managed wordpress hosting

t0pher needs a host

How can you guarantee that? ...you might drop dead tomorrow :p

Maybe consider google ads? i can swing u a few gigs of bandwith and space with unlimited everything (sql, subdomains, etc.). And garantee i'll be around for the next 5-10 years!

cp is plesk
check out this web site webtagg.com for .99cent a month hosting

here is what we got to offer

Free Web Space: 100 MB.
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: FTP, Browser.
Editor: Cpanel.
Scripting: CGI, PHP, SSI, FrontPage Extensions, Perl.
Pre-Scripts: Script collection.
Your URL: Top-level domain name, or Subdomain.
Other Features: Bandwidth limit 5000+ MB/month.

Cpanel, Fantastico.

10 addon domains.

POP3 Email, Spam Assassin.

Statistics, raw logs.

Cronjobs allowed.

MySQL databases.

Custom error pages.

SSL Secure server.

Red5 server

Ruby on Rails.

24-50 mb upload file limit

and much more sign up today