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Absolutly, everyone drop me a pm or e-mail so I have better track and I will get the forums up asap. That way we can start with forums and add each piece as we go.
I would love for someone to donate the design and code of the website. That would be great. See I am not very good at cutting psd files. Now if I have to I can design it myself, but that isn't the ideal situation for me.
Epgs, i'll be glad to help. I can moderate php, c++, html, and linux. My areas of expertise If you need any help coding i'll be glad to help Long live Open Source
Ok I have setup the webspace. Now if someone would like to setup a message board so we can all talk there that would be great, and if someone wants to start on the design that would be awesome too. Just let me know.
I can set up the forum :classic2:
I personally like Phorum and WBB, but I'll install anything. (Note, I've only installed Phorum 5, which is alpha, but doesn't seem to have any bugs so far.)
Well I have the webspace all setup and I am just waiting for domains to resolve. Notnamed will be setting up the forum and we can move all discussion over there.
Epgs, I didn't get a reply from you...I only got the first message. If you sent it, try resending to jordan @[at]@ not-named dot net (remove the obvious crap).
Okumdokums people, I'm installing phpBB. Of course, any moneyed person can donate vB, I'd be glad to install it too
Well I have started on the layout and if you like it I might use it, unless someone else can do something better. It is at