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managed wordpress hosting

Server in Germany, 500MB Space, 10GB Monthly Traffic, PHP, MYSQL, FTP, ALL INCLUDED!


New Member
Hello. Please visit http://imbahost.com to get your website up and running today!

Included in our FREE hosting plan:

500Mb space
10Gb Bandwidth
Direct activation
2 Add-On Domains
1 Parked Domain
2 Subdomains
5 ftp accounts
2 Email accounts
5 mysql databases
Servers in Germany (Perfect for europeans)
Your own ---.imbahost.com subdomain!
Register your own domain
Plenty of upgrade options in the future

Order Directly. Click -> http://www.billing.imbahost.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=2
Read More -> http://imbahost.com/webhosting.html


For more info about all our hosting plans please see: http://www.imbahost.com/webhosting.html

ImbaHost have been running for almost 6 months now and we already have hundreds of websites hosted with us!

Remember to fill in your correct details when you signup otherwise your order will be marked as "Fraud" and not be setup.

We do block
BR Brazil
CN China
IN India
NG Nigeria
SO Somalia
TW Taiwan
from using our services because of a high abuse ratio.

Thank you all!
Yes we allow free orders from Russia.
The only countries we block is:
BR Brazil
CN China
IN India
NG Nigeria
SO Somalia
TW Taiwan

Thank you
Your free hosting plan looks great. :)

How does your affiliate program works. It doesn't show any details of it.
Hello DudeX. I'm glad you think our free hosting plan is great.
Well we do currently not have any active affiliate program.

We're currently setting up a server dedicated to our paying customers.
If you're looking for a discount, don't miss our hot offers page: http://imbahost.com/hot-offers.php

Thank you and keep the questions comming!