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managed wordpress hosting


I think your site is pretty attractive (so far) and could have great potential, but...

I'd recommend putting all the different categories on different pages to cut down the loading time on the front page.

And a a:hover CSS style tag wouldn't hurt make it a little more attractive :)
You need to make it fit on a 800x600 resolution. It scrolls horizontally at this resolution. You really don't need all that width... Frontpage Express 2.0... Hmm, no wonder it only took an hour. But nice Flash thingy!
Originally posted by rmsharpe
I agree, it takes too long for it to load up on a 56k dialup.

yeah, maybe i should shorten it

the reason why i put the categoies on one page is to get a better listing on other search engines.

[Edited by john on 11-04-2000 at 07:49 PM]
I think I posted a IE and Netscape resizer tool that can be used to auto shrink your web browser to different resolutions...I definately recommend this to test out your site...

[the post was in html help I believe]

Good luck :)
help with search engine site

Hey i like the engine. I am in the process of creating a engine site that joins over 3,000 engines all in 1 search, the link is http://3000engines.com would love to work with you on the engine.
Any boby want to join together on this?
