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Its not bad, my only prob with it is that it doesn't look as good on higher resolutions. Then again, im viewing at 1280x1024, which is a lot higher than normal.
Its not often where you see a site that doesn't have much graphics looks good...but I like the simplicity of your design. Perhaps add some color accents so we are not drawn into the overwhelming blue...
You did very well! ^_^ Exspecially since you just made it! You should feel very proud! ^_~
I think you need to spice up your words of the left though.... Remember graphics always catch a person first.... I mean, your text was just a little plain. But.. never use to many graphics though, because then the slow speed will get on your visitor's irritated. v_v And people do seem very picky about that, oh well... I understand why.
I think your frame was wel done and very clean cut. Many people's frames are very sloppy and overwhelming. Another thing you did well is the colors. The other post may have said your color theme is eye-hurting... but I constantly see pages with text so bad, it really makes you cry! hehe So I thought you did well with that too. Just make sure to keep both the background AND the text/link colors very soft and pastel like. That is another thing that drives visitors MAD.
It looks nice...
But since you're asking for constructive comments, it might be just me, but the normal text seems small because of the large fontsize you used for the menu... maybe if you increase it a little or lower the size of the menu, the text would read more comfy.
works in netscape just fine = good
didn't use times roman = very good
all links work = good
organized, spelling seems to be correct, correct use of italics, underline, bold, etc. = good
looks like a boyscouts website (their colors are blue and yellow) = bad
minimal graphics/overly simple = bad
geocities ad square = very bad
First off nice design, I only have a few problems.
What program did you use to make your images? Paintshop pro? The reason I am asking is becuase the antialising of it messed with the image. It is blocky around the text. The blue background of all the images is darker then the site background. (I am running at 1024x768x32)
|- You may want to go and use a roll over script for you nav menu instead of the images. You can get the same effect with a lot less load time.
Another small thing you may want to put a logo of sorts in the top left side in the left frame. Becuase once your past the first page your name is gone.