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managed wordpress hosting

Review My Site Please!

Wow...this site is great...fantastic job!

If I had to get picky and find things...heres what I would say:
  • There is a black space in the lower right...it would help continuity of the site if you can find something to put there (it doesn't have to be all that usefull, maybe another pic or something...)
  • I would remove the part that shows your IP and etc. It really doesn't serve a purpose and it almost seems to visitors that you are getting personal data from them and keeping it in some database (which Im sure you're not :))
Well, thats all I have to say. Its a really good site, and an improvement over the older one...great job!! :D

[Edited by cds on 11-05-2000 at 09:36 AM]
Also increase the cellpadding in the main text area so the text isnt touching the edges.
Depending on how you have your tables made, it might also just be easier to make another 3 pixel wide column. Sometimes if you increase the cell padding, depending on the tables, of course, you can get unexpected results...i.e. padding where padding is not needed...

Anyway, play with it...from the looks of things, you know what you are doing... :)
Originally posted by cds
There is a black space in the lower left...it would help continuity of the site if you can find something to put there (it doesn't have to be all that usefull, maybe another pic or something...)

Do you mean lower right? Cuz I get the black space there
Yeah, I meant the lower right...I changed my post to reflect that now...thanks Coolin...
Also check your spelling... I think 'Archieve' is german, not english :)

Other than that the site looks allright, except for that lower right black space, maybe you can make that the redish color, that would make it great.
Originally posted by Luqman
could you plz review my site plz...

NOTE: Not Fully Setup!
Thanks Alot

[Edited by Luqman on 11-04-2000 at 10:50 PM]

01. Use a jpg top image instead of gif.. It looks horribly pixelated.

02. get rid of the ip/browser/os thing

03. make sure all text is same font...

04. look at it in netscape and fix all the errors that netscape causes.
In the Netscape, the only problem I found is that the bottommost table's middle section doesn't span the entire table width.

Most people when they do html in IE, put table width='*' or just leave it blank. In IE, this is fine, because it takes that as "fill up all usable space". In Netscape you cant do this, instead do this width="100%". This will make that middle layer span the width it needs. Make sure to give the right and left graphics some pixel space for their own needs...

Hope this helps...

thanks for the great comments..
I will try to fix that problem for NS, (which version?)
I am using the latest beta and it looks fine.

I will think of something to put over the IP and browser
thing. what would you suggest?

I can put a session telling them the amount of visits ,
and my ICQ STATUS, in text e.g Online(Green) etc

I'll look through the text for errors is well.
Thanks Again
Re: thanks

Originally posted by Luqman I will try to fix that problem for NS, (which version?)

I have version 4. Version 6 sucks very bad. AOL fucks everything up. Lets just hope they don't fuck up WinAmp *knock on wood*.