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I really like bootstrap designs, however I think that there is room for a bit more customization on your website.
First of all I would make your logo bold so that it stands out and gets noticed. I would also put the separate categories on the index page in separate containers (well's) so that it is easier to understand the structure of your website.
I really like everything else and you have a nice collection of useful tools! I wish you all the best with your project.
Great Website Sunny. SentoWeb is right, it needs a bit of your own individual "print" so to speak, i.e. maybe a bold logo at the top.
I do like the way how the headings have been listed on the left side of the Website and the minimalist design. Just needs to have your own "brand" attached to it.
i like your kategori page with small icon, interesting.
i think your page (center column) required more of content, in order to balance the left column. :biggrin2:
Your website is cool especially the Alexa Rank - 22840 (April 24th, 2014). According to the Alexa traffic, you may have more than 40,000 visitors per day, am I right? How do you do that? It's amazing!
Very nice website. But i think you should move ads from it`s current place.
You have put social links two times on the page, one on left sidebar and other on footer. I think you should decide its one place and remove from one place.