• Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers! /Peo, FreeWebSpace.net
managed wordpress hosting

Requesting Hosting


New Member
Here's the lo-down. I need new hosting because my old host (officialfreedom) keeps bumming out on me, and I am flat out disappointed and sick of it. These are what I need AT LEAST. Feel free to offer more. :)

FTP Access
No Ads
Parked Domains: 2
MySQL DB: 10
cPanel X
Sub-Domains: 5
Space: 1GB
Bandwidth: 10GB

What I am NOT looking for:
* Post for host
* Any other kind of scheme for your site

I just want plain, flat out hosting on the spot.

Some of this may be negotiable. I do not trash my hosts with illegal software, and I will not use up a lot of bandwidth, but I might have some streaming videos here and there. I am very serious with my hosts, so I will not be sharing it with another site, and I will not use it as a large file repository.

Contact Me:
* AIM: SkateAdio623
* EMail: UniteTomorrow@gmail.com
Here's the lo-down. I need new hosting because my old host (officialfreedom) keeps bumming out on me, and I am flat out disappointed and sick of it. These are what I need AT LEAST. Feel free to offer more. :)

FTP Access
No Ads
Parked Domains: 2
MySQL DB: 10
cPanel X
Sub-Domains: 5
Space: 1GB
Bandwidth: 10GB

What I am NOT looking for:
* Post for host
* Any other kind of scheme for your site

I just want plain, flat out hosting on the spot.

Some of this may be negotiable. I do not trash my hosts with illegal software, and I will not use up a lot of bandwidth, but I might have some streaming videos here and there. I am very serious with my hosts, so I will not be sharing it with another site, and I will not use it as a large file repository.

Contact Me:
* AIM: SkateAdio623
* EMail: UniteTomorrow@gmail.com

What can you give in-return to the host?

Alan, beat me to it!
Well I can help advertise you, as I know a lot of people in need of hosting.

I could, if absolutely needed, place ads on my site, but it'd have to be able to let me maneuver it around.

Also I'm pretty handy in PHP if you need any coding done. :cool:
Well I can help advertise you, as I know a lot of people in need of hosting.

I could, if absolutely needed, place ads on my site, but it'd have to be able to let me maneuver it around.

Also I'm pretty handy in PHP if you need any coding done. :cool:

If you can put small ads up:

Half Banner (234x60)
Button (125x125)


You can choose from either 125x125 or 234x60 AdSense Ads. These ads are to be placed by you on the main page of your website - not in the footer of your website though.

Vlexo.com can offer you the following package:
  • Package: BIG
  • PHP Version: 5.2.1
  • MYSQL Version: 5.0.27
  • http://vlexo.com/free-plans.html
  • cPanel 11 w/ Fantastico
  • RvSkins
  • Forum and Helpdesk Support
  • Plans are always upgradable
To get this account, please register up to our support forums and post your request. Or alternitively you can just PM me here only for the account.


- J J
Official Freedom was bought out by Adam with UGC, correct?

No idea. :p

J J,
Your medium plan actually seems to be just fine. However, if I am in need of the upgrade to big, I will PM you and we can discuss the ads, or I will register on the forums with this same user name (UniteTomorrow). Your hosting looks very professional though, I must say. :)

Thank you for your offer, but I need free hosting, and not post for host. Sorry. :(
No idea. :p

J J,
Your medium plan actually seems to be just fine. However, if I am in need of the upgrade to big, I will PM you and we can discuss the ads, or I will register on the forums with this same user name (UniteTomorrow). Your hosting looks very professional though, I must say. :)

Thanks for the compliment.

I can give you the medium plan, which only requires the text link on your main page: Sponsored by Vlexo.com
Make sure you PM me, or either request here at our forums - I should be able to get your account up and running in no time.


- J J
www.tehz.org No post 2 host only today!!! NO ADS!!! Cpanel too!

30 Sub domains xD

And Thats just the basic plan!!!
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