I was thinking of posting here for a while now, and haven't done it yet. But I want your guyses opinions on the new variation of the PSP: The PSP Go!
Yeah, I'm not going to buy it, but I just wanted to know what you people thought. Also, I already know that they plan to continue to sell the PSP 3000 alongside the Go. The Go hits US in October to December. Some stores are already pre-ordering the Go.
- It has a slightly smaller screen,
- slide out controls,
- PS Button is now more inaccessible,
- no brightness/volume buttons,
- no UMD support (but there is a good will program that sony is making out that will allow one to redeem games for the PSP Go with your UMDs. But it will only work on SOME games (IE: No RPGs I bet.))
- Micro Memory (M2) Sticks instead of Memory Stick PRO Duos (Your current PSP Memory sticks will not work in the Go unless you already have Micro Memory (M2) sticks.)
- No replaceable battery.
- Overall design does not favor big finger'd people.
Yeah, I'm not going to buy it, but I just wanted to know what you people thought. Also, I already know that they plan to continue to sell the PSP 3000 alongside the Go. The Go hits US in October to December. Some stores are already pre-ordering the Go.