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Private Messages: Unread 65535 [merged]

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65535 Unread messages!!!

Welcome, e-razor.
You last visited: Yesterday at 12:55
Private Messages: Unread 65535, Total 31


I get the abov message in the status display when i login . it shows 65535 unread msgs in PM box though there are no new msgs . Hope its fixed soon . It seems i cant recv any PM's from other users
I wondered where that had gone, I thought maybe it had been pmd to someone.....anyay, what the guy back there said did it......
Tree said:

--- vb3/private.php	2006/04/06 22:49:04	1.338
+++ vb3/private.php	2006/04/29 16:57:15	1.339
@@ -1341,11 +1341,14 @@ if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'showpm')
 		$db->shutdown_query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pm SET messageread=1 WHERE userid=" . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . " AND pmid=$pm[pmid]");
-		$userdm =& datamanager_init('User', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_SILENT);
-		$userdm->set_existing($vbulletin->userinfo);
-		$userdm->set('pmunread', 'IF(pmunread >= 1, pmunread - 1, 0)', false);
-		$userdm->save(true, true);
-		unset($userdm);
+		if (!$pm['folderid'])
+		{
+			$userdm =& datamanager_init('User', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_SILENT);
+			$userdm->set_existing($vbulletin->userinfo);
+			$userdm->set('pmunread', 'IF(pmunread >= 1, pmunread - 1, 0)', false);
+			$userdm->save(true, true);
+			unset($userdm);
+		}
It's a matter of simply editing a file. :)
Tree said:
That's called your PM box. As you can see, there aren't over 65,000 unread PMs. So don't worry about it.

If you're gonna b cocky, then it's a screenshot actually, not just a pm box ....
Okay my account is showing as I have 65535 unread messages and total 72.

I know that its a glitch anyone know how to fix?
Tree said:
It's a matter of simply editing a file. :)
Are we going to wait for the next vB upgrade that has this code already in it? Or is Peo or Todd just going to edit 10 lines of code?
Private Messages: Unread 65533, Total 186.

And does anyone want to know what the problem is? Well; this time, I only got that warning, after one of my "Forum Warnings" was removed.

I bet the problem lies in AWS...
It is a bug in the vBulletin software, and will be fixed with the next upgrade. For now: deal with it.
I have been warned.:cry2:

What's wrong with my PM?

Unread 65535, Total 14
Last edited:
ddt said:
I have been warned.:cry2:

What's wrong with my PM?

Unread 65535, Total 14
Don't worry about it. Suck it up. It'll be fixed soon. You don't really have 60,000+ PMs, so don't worry.
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