Crunch-Host.Com are extremely pleased to announce the launch of our Free VPS server range.
We have been working hard over the last few months building up and testing our VPS nodes, making sure our clients safety and reliability is in place, our servers will come on a first come first serve basis and will be available to all members who post 50 times (posts before today are NOT included as the servers were not available)
We will begin by releasing 6 FREE VPS Servers this coming saturday 12th February 2011 at 12.00PM GMT+1, And we shall follow on by releasing in phases of 6 each phase every 14 days, the VPS server is yours for as long as you keep meeting the 50 posts per month, or you no longer require this.
You can pre-order your VPS from today to ensure you get your hands on one and avoiding missing out on this fantastic offer, as stated this is on a first come first serve basis so basicly the first 6 members who meet the post count and are accepted will get this, the following phases will not be allowing pre-orders and will be on a as released basis every 14 days.
What are the server specs you are offering?
* 15 GB HDD
* 128MB RAM Guaranteed / 246 Burstable
* 250GB Bandwidth
* 100mbps port
* 1 IP Address
* Located in the USA
* O/S Centos5 or choice of other linux flavours *crunch-host suggests centOS*
What about Support or Upgrades?
All Free VPS Servers are upgradeable at a monthly cost (physical money, not posts) and you can upgrade anything from the Hard Disk, Bandwith, IP'S, RAM.
Support is provided on a basic management plan and you will get help via our support suite if needed for supported software installs such as cPanel or common scripts, we shall also handle free reboots and OS reloads.
We have been working hard over the last few months building up and testing our VPS nodes, making sure our clients safety and reliability is in place, our servers will come on a first come first serve basis and will be available to all members who post 50 times (posts before today are NOT included as the servers were not available)
We will begin by releasing 6 FREE VPS Servers this coming saturday 12th February 2011 at 12.00PM GMT+1, And we shall follow on by releasing in phases of 6 each phase every 14 days, the VPS server is yours for as long as you keep meeting the 50 posts per month, or you no longer require this.
You can pre-order your VPS from today to ensure you get your hands on one and avoiding missing out on this fantastic offer, as stated this is on a first come first serve basis so basicly the first 6 members who meet the post count and are accepted will get this, the following phases will not be allowing pre-orders and will be on a as released basis every 14 days.
What are the server specs you are offering?
* 15 GB HDD
* 128MB RAM Guaranteed / 246 Burstable
* 250GB Bandwidth
* 100mbps port
* 1 IP Address
* Located in the USA
* O/S Centos5 or choice of other linux flavours *crunch-host suggests centOS*
What about Support or Upgrades?
All Free VPS Servers are upgradeable at a monthly cost (physical money, not posts) and you can upgrade anything from the Hard Disk, Bandwith, IP'S, RAM.
Support is provided on a basic management plan and you will get help via our support suite if needed for supported software installs such as cPanel or common scripts, we shall also handle free reboots and OS reloads.