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Edit #2:
That is probably one of the best and easiest to use website with backgrounds. If it really hits it off, the idea of voting for best wallpaper is kind of cool. Just thought I'd share it. Its like digg+wallpaper.
^^ Click
I was browsing a website when my browser froze and I got the "lines" effect. I thought it looked cool, Took a screen shot and tada, And then I made it my desktop, which you can see here
You have to install the right drivers for you video card, it'll handle it. With the right tweaks, Ubuntu can do some amazingthingswith video, I just didn't have the time to mess with it.
Okay, well for those that live in Toronto Ontario, you will know this image. The lady wanted it on the desktop so she could work some photoshop on it, It is somewhat a adult but its stick people,
Feel free to look
Sry was going to have it show, buts its really big . lol...
You have to install the right drivers for you video card, it'll handle it. With the right tweaks, Ubuntu can do some amazingthingswith video, I just didn't have the time to mess with it.